Took this deck for a spin just for fun... reminds me of the old grabbix days somehow (even without the "ix" part)
Very effective and reliable deck, major props to Xenocidius. The deck's almost perfect. The only thing I miiiight change is, remove the adernaline, as the 4
cost makes it go unused in a lot of games... but even that is a very minor thing. Possible replacements for adrenaline: Shockwave, Horned Frog
Any advice on an upgrade sequence ?
I'd upgrade the graboids first, followed by the quantum pillars- for variety, you could upgrade these together, one graboid, one pillar, etc., if you want. After that, upgrade the momentum, blessing, adrenaline, and deflagration in any order you like. Finally, you could upgrade the lycanthropes, but it's hardly worth it. The remaining cards are all better left unupgraded for this deck (of course, you'll want upped copies of them for other decks, especially the novas).