@ elementalgod: the winning ratio is quite high, maybe above 90%. Bad draws are terrible because you can have only flying weapons spells in your hand, and sometimes happens :S
But good thing is that you can gain control of the situation in few turns and fear nothing for the rest of the match. Maybe it can work better with more controlling weapons in multiple copies (like 2 pulverizers, 2 lobo, 1 eternity and 1 eagle eye) discarding good but not winning abilities like titan and morning star. Good thing about titan is that all bolts/infects will go against it, saving the others (cpu considers a 8/70 creature more powerful than other flying wepons with better abilities but lower stats)
@ Dragoon: vampire stiletto!? i suppose you cried a lot when you discovered your mistake (me too, i got a lobotomizer: quite rare but nothing compared to eternity and pulv)