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relic master

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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg58735#msg58735
« Reply #240 on: April 24, 2010, 11:31:00 pm »
Im working on the mutant factory.


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg58982#msg58982
« Reply #241 on: April 25, 2010, 02:31:28 pm »
dunno why but no matter how modern decks play better, i still feel more comfortable with this deck.


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg59039#msg59039
« Reply #242 on: April 25, 2010, 05:20:09 pm »
This is a pretty fast game and all is relatively simple (good luck).

With this strategy to cope with the 1:22 also a bit easier.


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg62244#msg62244
« Reply #243 on: May 02, 2010, 03:58:18 pm »
This deck awesome. It's sad that sundials are nerfed. I just love this deck with my few additions and modifications. This deck is so fun to play with but that new one isn't so fun. I'll have to modify this deck to differently than Scaredgirl did ;P

Slayd CraVen

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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg65774#msg65774
« Reply #244 on: May 09, 2010, 07:34:22 am »
Hello Scaredgirl. I'm an old player just checking back on the game to see how much better it's gotten.
I noticed that since a while ago you have taken over the elements forums. I've also noticed that you have taken the credit for creating the rainbow deck, which has really frustrated me because it's not proper etiquette to go around stealing people's ideas and taking all the credit. It's called plagiarism, and i despise it.
The following quote shows your claims..

Don't let the incorrect time stamp fool you, I made this deck and started this thread a long time ago. It was made before the Sundial nerf, and all the other recent changes to the game.

You could say this is the deck that "started it all" which gives it nice historic value but it also means that it's outdated and not designed to be used in Elements v1.15+.

If you don't have Eternity or like bigger decks, and really want to use this old one, that's fine too. In that case I recommend you take an extra Hourglass (because of the Sundial nerf).

Now this is absolutely not true, unless you would happen to be -Manwe- or rob77dp, who were the people who co-created the rainbow deck with me, right after the quantum pillars stopped sucking (when they started giving 3 quantums instead of 1).
The post #551 on this page proves my claim.
Although the idea in the above link I just posted is not the exact same thing as yours, it will be a lot more similar in this post (#569), which was just a day or so after, posted by rob77dp, with whom i co-created the rainbow deck, discussing the modifications to the rainbow deck in the chat.
This is one of the first viable rainbow decks (post #593)
The dates are in June 2009, long before your name hit the forums or the chatbox of the game.
"The incorrect time stamp"...

As soon as the fallen elf/druid & the upgraded cards hit the game, I created this version of the rainbow deck that indeed included sundials before the nerf. And it did indeed own the false gods. Eventually, it turned into the following deck (which seems to be an upgraded version of your deck, containing a lot less cards and a lot less dead draws):
3x fallen elf (2 of which can be fallen druids to upgrade your skeles, one will be to downgrade the opponent's good monsters)
2x boneyard
4x otyugh
1x empathic bond
2x blessing
2x owl's eye
6x sundial
2x steal
15x quantum pillars/towers
1x dissipation Field
1x improved mutation
1x (improved) miracle
2x electrum hourglass

To get to the point,
Scaredgirl, I would appreciate it if you would kindly give the public the names of the real creators of the rainbow deck (Slayd CraVen, rob77dp and -Manwe-), and I was really ashamed to see your introduction to the first post in this thread and was gravely offended by it.
As for the rest, I appreciate you helping the newbies as I did last year. Keep up the good work.

Slayd CraVen

P.S. after the following quote

The ULTIMATE False God killing deck

This is the deck I used to beat ALL the False Gods with the average of 66% wins, 34% losses (BEFORE the Sundial fix. Now it's even easier!).
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=129.msg776#msg776 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=129.msg776#msg776)

This is a very versatile deck capable of dealing with different situations and it's also very good in PvP.


- around 54 cards in total (I find having 60 cards too random and unnecessary)

Most importantly I think this deck is FUN to play because it has all kinds of characters. It's not a one-trick-pony so it doesn't get boring too fast. Fallen Druid itself will make playing this deck fun. In my last game I had a Fate Egg that had the "Steal" ability and it was awesome Smiley

If you have any suggestion on how to improve this deck, please leave a comment.

-54 is too much
-Druids are my favourite part of the game
-You should've at least checked out the screenshots I gave out on the flashkit forums.


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg65882#msg65882
« Reply #245 on: May 09, 2010, 02:34:07 pm »
That was one funny post :)

Lets get a couple of things straight.

- I have never heard of you, or your friends
- I have never seen any deck ideas of any of you guys
- I have never been to page 28 of 96 of Flash Kit forums (before now)

I went to see that page 28 of 96, and this is what I found:

Mark of Time
10x Quantum Pillar
2x Lycanthrope
1-2x Boneyard (depending if you want to go for a heavy monster-counter deck or not)
2-3-4x Otyugh (depending if you want to go for a heavy monster-counter deck or not)
2x Graboid (Mark of time is useful)
1x Emerald dragon/Forest(i) Spirit (Dragon would be for excess life quantums which you will most probably have, but some people prefer foresti spirit)
2x Deflagration
2x Freeze - To deal with strong monsters that you have no current counter for or that you want to weaken soon so your Otyugh can devour them
2x Blessing - Otyugh ftw
2-3x Owl's Eye - With 2 Boneyards and Otyughs this can be very useful
2x Reverse Time - Mark of Time + Monster Control
2x Golden Hourglass
1x Dusk Mantle - Great defense
1x Parallel Universe - Many uses
So that is the deck I copied huh? Give me a break.. more than half of the cards are totally different. If by "plagiarism" you mean we have the same mark, then yes.

And about this "incorrect time stamp thing".. seems like you don't know what it actually means. When we switched forums for the old one to this new one, we didn't have access to database which meant that Chriskang had to do a crawling script that took all the posts in that old forum and sent them to this one. However there was a bug in that script which is why all the threads started before the merge show a time stamp of 15-12-2009 (the day we merged). Just go look any old thread or post, and you will see it was posted 15-12-2009.

I have to say I find it very cowardly for you to come here 8 months after this deck was posted and accuse me of stealing ideas and plagiarism, especially when the "proof" you have provided is a joke.

When I made this deck, I didn't look at other decks. I did that on purpose so that something I saw wouldn't affect my judgement. I wanted to have a clean start.

I started with Sundials and Hourglasses because I assumed that drawing multiple cards is the key. I then slowly added the best cards from all elements. This was a process that required a lot of testing. None of you three were there when I spent countless of hours in testing and tweaking the deck.

This is not the first time some unknown people appear from nowhere, claiming to have made this deck before. Unfortunately for them, in this life you need proof. It's too late to come cry about it 8 months later.

P.s. if you want tips for improvement for that deck of yours, I suggest you drop that Dragon and take Empathic Bond. Healing is great because it keeps you alive. I have other tips too but you might want to start with that. :)


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg65924#msg65924
« Reply #246 on: May 09, 2010, 04:23:26 pm »
Hello Scaredgirl. I'm an old player just checking back on the game to see how much better it's gotten.
I noticed that since a while ago you have taken over the elements forums. I've also noticed that you have taken the credit for creating the rainbow deck, which has really frustrated me because it's not proper etiquette to go around stealing people's ideas and taking all the credit. It's called plagiarism, and i despise it.
The following quote shows your claims..


This is a losing battle here, dude... Mainly because you've been away so long, and SG is the admin here.  I'm sure SG didn't copy your idea and put her name on it.  As I'm sure 99% of the decks on the forums weren't plagiarized.  Bottom line is that NOBODY searches the forums to see if their deck (or a similar deck) was already posted.  And almost without fail, an 'original owner' from somewhere will make some kind of comment that the posted deck wasn't original, etc., etc.

The thing I don't get is how nobody seems to think that 2 people can have the same (or similar) ideas on their own.  The attitude always seems to be, "Nice deck, but I already posted it here."  I'd be great if there was a way for deck submissions to be anonymous...

Now, I just need to wait to get flamed over this... lol... :)


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg65939#msg65939
« Reply #247 on: May 09, 2010, 04:43:38 pm »
*Flames CB!*

Well, here's the news, everyone, Slayd CraVen actually plagiarized my deck, because I have as much conclusive proof as he does. Which means Scaredgirl plagiarized off me.

All in all, that means I'm joking.

On a more serious note, that deck does not even look remotely close or effective as SG's deck was back in the day. Two turn Stasis Sundials reallly—and I mean REALLY—made her deck great and it was the most important card that Slayd CraVen's deck is lacking among other things.


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg65940#msg65940
« Reply #248 on: May 09, 2010, 04:47:42 pm »
This is a losing battle here, dude... Mainly because you've been away so long, and SG is the admin here.  I'm sure SG didn't copy your idea and put her name on it.  As I'm sure 99% of the decks on the forums weren't plagiarized.  Bottom line is that NOBODY searches the forums to see if their deck (or a similar deck) was already posted.  And almost without fail, an 'original owner' from somewhere will make some kind of comment that the posted deck wasn't original, etc., etc.

The thing I don't get is how nobody seems to think that 2 people can have the same (or similar) ideas on their own.  The attitude always seems to be, "Nice deck, but I already posted it here."  I'd be great if there was a way for deck submissions to be anonymous...

Now, I just need to wait to get flamed over this... lol... :)
I'd like to add that the reason this person is fighting a losing battle is not because I'm an admin here, but because the deck he posted is nothing like mine. It doesn't even have Empathic Bond which even all the worst rainbow decks have.

The second deck he talks about there looks a bit more like mine but that deck was created today when he wrote it on that post. There's no record of that deck ever existing anywhere. I can say I created iPad but I better have some very compelling evidence (not words) to support that claim.

Now I don't want this thread to turn into some general deck plagiarism discussion which is why we are now moving on. If someone wants to talk about that, please start a new thread.

One more thing.. Accusing people of plagiarism without any proof is definitely not cool and is considered "insulting users" which will result in a warning. That post of his would have been normally deleted but since this is my thread, I left it there.


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg65975#msg65975
« Reply #249 on: May 09, 2010, 05:52:47 pm »
One more time.. if you want to talk about who invented the concept of rainbow decks in CCG's, please start a new thread for that. This thread is only about this particular deck.

As for this deck, it's very outdated because it was made 8 months ago and the game has changed a lot since. For new players I recommend try this deck instead: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1615.msg17181#msg17181


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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg85940#msg85940
« Reply #250 on: June 08, 2010, 07:54:22 pm »

Slayd CraVen posted on the wrong place, he was supposed to post it at Humor.
Well, the decks are completely different....

And congrats SG, your deck is very powerfull and i use to defeat the FG.



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Re: The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!! https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=132.msg86039#msg86039
« Reply #251 on: June 08, 2010, 10:03:39 pm »
This deck doesn'r work since Sundial was nerfed.
I've taken this deck build and add'd 3 more cards to help out on specific FG's and have had some great success.  Maybe I'm missing something, but I usually run into consitant trouble against only 6 god's.  Granted it's a little slower than I'd like, I know I can count on it to pull through for me 60-70% of the time.  It seems every time I'm trying out a new deck, I find my way back to a version of this build.  I don't know what would make this deck "work" better, but being that it's a card game that has alot to do with the initial draw's, I'd say it works fine

