There are two main kinds of deck this will consistently lose to.
1. Phase Dragon + SoW
2. Wyrm/Damselfly/SkyDragon + SoFre
Solution: RoF as mentioned before, and Mirror shield instead of Fire Bucker.
This balances what would otherwise be a heavy deck, and eliminates pretty much all of its weaknesses.
keep in mind that this deck is old, both shards didn't exist at the time and snova was nerfed; air rush and mono aether are two of the best decks to submit in arena, is normal losing against them
having 1 card in a 30 cards deck doesn't mean eliminate the weakness: JMZ classic is really, really slow with his damage output, air rush can still win after a RoF (if u are decently lucky to draw it before dying), same against mono aether, mirror shield can make u win if drawed in the initial hand, it doesn't make u instatly win because the AI will always target the same creature with SoW, so u will still keep getting damages
still the deck autolose against DBH, can easily deckout against any
or SoG stall if u don't draw the queen early (and hopefully no one will lobo or kill her) and rush decks with a decent amount of HP; in elements every deck is weak against other decks
in my opinion u should try []the gold league killer[/url], another rainbow deck with a lot more control than this, it still have the same problems against
, but overall can perform better against any other deck in the game.
check the last posts for the mods used in the current metagame