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Deck Ideas => Post Deck Ideas Here => Rainbow Decks => Topic started by: Helston on January 24, 2012, 03:28:32 am

Title: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Helston on January 24, 2012, 03:28:32 am
by Helston
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vk 52t 52t 55t 58q 5c5 5f6 5f6 5ie 5lb 5ri 5ri 5ri 5ri 5ri 5ri 5up 620 620 8ps

A fairly simple rainbow rush using a wide variety of creatures. The Fate Eggs work surprisingly well - the combined damage of the other creatures is often enough to pull through despite the occasional bad Hatch. Mutation can be used to improve bad hatches, and occasionally a nymph or dragon will come into play early.

Mass CC, Earthquake and Black Hole can create problems, as can an early Otyugh. However, if your opponent's free of them you should have a fun and potentially very interesting match.
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: mwaetht on January 24, 2012, 03:55:35 am
Given how very, very useful Mutation is in this deck, I'm surprised you're not using Fallen Elf instead of the Mutation spell. Druidic Staff doesn't seem like it would be very useful in a deck like this, so you don't need to worry about straining :life.

May I suggest -2 Mummy, +2 Flesh Spider, and throw in a Wings or two somewhere in there? You have no shield, and wings+spiders can completely shut down some decks. Of course, with the large :air usage, you won't be able to afford using Toadfish's effect... Alternatively, if you don't like Wings, Arsenic would still be a better card than Mummy or Druidic Staff.

-Hematite Golem +Graboid. Even with the use of strained :time, Graboid should still be considered. It's just too good not to be.

Gravity Pull + Toadfish + Mutation really isn't enough CC, especially as you WILL use Mutation on your own creatures. If you don't go with Wings/Spiders, you can replace Phase Spiders with Lightnings. Those things can take down almost anything. Another good substitution would bee Quintessence; you don't want to lose that Steal mutant, that 17/2 Crimson Dragon with Dive, or that Fallen Elf (if you have one).
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: pulli23 on January 24, 2012, 11:50:07 pm
I'd indeed swap the druidic staff for another weapon, what about swapping druidic staff + 2 deflags for 2 puvlies + fallen elf?
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Fireleaf on January 25, 2012, 12:41:56 am
Besides the changes mentioned already I would swap a mummy for a fog shield for: defense, more use of :air and less strain on :death.
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Chapuz on January 25, 2012, 11:28:51 am
Besides the changes mentioned already I would swap a mummy for a fog shield for: defense, more use of :air and less strain on :death.
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Calindu on January 25, 2012, 12:58:24 pm
Y u no novas?
-6 pillars, +6 novas
-2 spider, +2 Lightning
- Druidic staff, +1 Forest spirit
-2 mummies, +2 Arsenics
- steal, + lycan
- Gpull, + momentum
- Pegasus, + fog shield

Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Chapuz on January 25, 2012, 01:13:36 pm
Y u no novas?
-6 pillars, +6 novas
-2 spider, +2 Lightning
- Druidic staff, +1 Forest spirit
-2 mummies, +2 Arsenics
- steal, + lycan
- Gpuff, + momentum
- Pegasus, + fog shield

What's Gpuff? Toadfish?
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Calindu on January 25, 2012, 01:16:09 pm
Y u no novas?
-6 pillars, +6 novas
-2 spider, +2 Lightning
- Druidic staff, +1 Forest spirit
-2 mummies, +2 Arsenics
- steal, + lycan
- Gpull, + momentum
- Pegasus, + fog shield

What's Gpuff? Toadfish?
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Chapuz on January 25, 2012, 01:22:29 pm
Y u no novas?
-6 pillars, +6 novas
-2 spider, +2 Lightning
- Druidic staff, +1 Forest spirit
-2 mummies, +2 Arsenics
- steal, + lycan
- Gpull, + momentum
- Pegasus, + fog shield

What's Gpuff? Toadfish?
My complicated mind has assimilated Gpuff with jigglypuff, and that with the toadfish xDD
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: mwaetht on January 26, 2012, 07:50:23 am
Y u no novas?
-6 pillars, +6 novas
-2 spider, +2 Lightning
- Druidic staff, +1 Forest spirit
-2 mummies, +2 Arsenics
- steal, + lycan
- Gpull, + momentum
- Pegasus, + fog shield

The voices in my head REALLY don't like you replacing Steal for Lycan. It's easily killed during one turn and Steal's a much more flexible card. Of course, since you're relying on Novas you might not get 4 :darkness, but similarly you need 4 :entropy to get Mutation and Lycan.

Also, if you switch to Novas, there's no way the deck can support six Fate Eggs.

You can take out the Toadfish if you're using Forest Spirit. You'll never get enough :water for both if you use Novas.

Momentum doesn't seem very useful in rainbows; you'd be better off using Explosion (though in this specific deck that'll strain :fire) or keeping the Steal you took away earlier if you're worried about shields. Gravity Pull, in contrast, is extremely useful.

Oh, yes. Fog Shield. We likeys.
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Mathematistic on January 29, 2012, 07:37:05 am
As a fun deck, fallen elf and mitosis is needed... Egg spam is fun :)
I agree that QTs are better than novas in this non-rush rainbow, though.
Needs more consistent CC (GP is ok, mutation is meh, toadfish is slow).
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Kuroaitou on January 30, 2012, 12:04:43 pm

As an alternative...

by Kuroaitou
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vj 4vj 4vm 52t 55r 58q 5c5 5f6 5f6 5ie 5lb 5og 5rg 5ri 5ri 5ri 5ri 5ri 5ri 5t2 5up 620 8ps

I don't know if this deck really NEEDS 6 Novas to work perfectly. I mean, if you think about it, 1 or 2 might be okay for busting out some of the other creatures, but placing in 6 of them for Quantum Pillars is just bad because they have a higher chance of messing up the mulligan against RT users (Rainbows that rely mostly on Supernova for example to get their creatures out suffer from quanta withdrawal once they play and pay against Rewind). The above deck adds two extra time cards (one time pillar and one time pendulum) just to throw off potential earthquake users, as well as (hopefully) getting out those Fate Eggs faster.

I also took out Gravity Pull and put in Otyugh (just for light CC), assuming you want a little bit of control in there. I also agreed with 714's notion that a mummy for a fog shield swap was a good idea; Fallen Elf over Mutation seemed more reliable (and allows you to use more :life quanta when you can), and I dropped a Phase Spider for an extra Nova. 12 quanta sources might be overkill in a 'Rushy' rainbow deck, but with all the types of creatures you need to be pumping out, I'd rather be on the safer side of actually deploying the offense than having them all in my hand waiting for that one bit of quantum.
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Carcinos on January 31, 2012, 11:49:44 am
I tried to use parallel universe and SoR, Mitosis and Sor with fate Egg, it's funny, but if you earn some SoR, it's maybe better than your creatures, just have some luck with randoms creatures, and it's cheap.
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: Helston on February 04, 2012, 12:38:30 pm
Might be a good idea if I respond to all this =P. I'll start from the start.

Fallen elf instead of mutation:
Great idea (although I haven't actually tested it out yet). Mutation was initially thrown in to use up some entropy quanta, and once I saw it being useful I never considered Fallen Elf for some odd reason.

-2 Mummy, +2 Flesh Spider + Wings:
An interesting idea, but I'm not sure where I'd fit the wings in. Dropping Druidic Staff is an option, but it's not that bad a weapon and is a good use for a little life quanta.

-Hematite Golem, + Graboid:
Regardless of how much better graboid may be, I just can't bring myself to use it in this deck.

Lack of CC/Mutation always used on own creatures:
A little more CC could definitely be handy, although mutation doesn't always get used on failed hatches. It's more of a backup plan than anything else. Quintessence might work well as most of the creatures are very squishy, and mightn't even slow it down too much.

-1 Staff, -2 Deflags, +2 Pulvies, +1 Fallen Elf:
Pulvies are probably a bit over-the-top for this deck. I find the deflags and the steal cover just about everything and work quite nicely too.

-1 Mummy, +1 Fog Shield:
I'm hesitant to just add in a fog shield (similar to how I don't like graboids), but this is probably too good to refuse. I initially thought that a shield could be stolen from the opponent, but come to think of it, relying on stealing a shield probably isn't the best of plans.

-6 pillars, +6 novas
-2 spider, +2 Lightning
- Druidic staff, +1 Forest spirit
-2 mummies, +2 Arsenics
- steal, + lycan
- Gpull, + momentum
- Pegasus, + fog shield:
Apologies for grouping all these together, but each of these changes would make the deck more like Antagon's Grabow. That is not what I'm aiming for.

Fallen Elf and Mitosis is needed:
Never thought about Mitosis, although it might be a bit slow, expensive and risky it would be fun though.

Kuro's modifications:
Definitely going to try that out. I really like gravity pull, but I'll be interested to see how Otyugh goes. Those two novas might also work a charm and bring a little more consistency into the quanta generation.

Parallel universe, SoR, Mitosis:
No idea how that would work. At all. But it sounds fun, whatever it is.

Going to do some more work on this, see how it all goes.
Title: Re: The Fate Egg bow [Unupped][PvP]
Post by: drolly on February 05, 2012, 12:38:26 am
Parallel universe, SoR, Mitosis:
No idea how that would work. At all. But it sounds fun, whatever it is.
If you apply SoR to a Fate Egg, it will be able to hatch two identical creatures for 0 :time quanta cost instantly (yes, it works like that). So just get a lucky first draw with three novas, a Fate Egg, a SoR and make it transform into 2 Crimson Dragons. That means 24 damage before your opponent can do anything :P . (OK, if you get two unbuffable Deathstalkers that's another thing.) As a side effect, having Novas generates much quanta to fuel the SoRs without risking to run short of crucial quanta for other cards in your deck.

Actually your deck and Kuro's suggestions inspired me to build a rush-like one around this idea. Maybe I'll give it some more testing but it's already become a decent and funny AI3 grinder.
blarg: Helston,Kuroaitou