I had the original post favorited and used the detailed list of controls in the FG Breakdown section as a reference. But it hasn't been updated in awhile, so here's an update, mainly just so I can re-favorite. It may still be imperfect.
I've also noted which FGs use PU so I know where to excercise caution when using my druid.
FG Breakdown:Chaos Lord: Some steals, congeals, discords, and improved mutations
Dark Matter: Black Holes, Gravity Pull, Otyughs
Decay: Siphon Life, Steal, Lobotomizer, Pests (quanta)
Destiny: Rewinds/Eternity
Divine Glory: Lots of explosions
Dream Catcher: Butterfly Effect, Discord, .... Let's just say lots
Elidnis: Congeal, Ulitharid (has PU)
Eternal Phoenix: Explosions, Fire Lances, Fire Storm, Lightning
Ferox: None
Firefly Queen: Fire Lances, Eagle Eyes
Gemini: Electrocutor (only two, has PU)
Graviton: Gravity Pull, Explosions, Otyughs, Rain of Fire (only two)
Hermes: Explosions, Fire Lances, Fire Storms
Incarnate: Bloodsuckers, Retrovirii
Miracle: None
Morte: Retrovirii, Plagues
Neptune: Congeal, Shockwave, Octopi, Eagle Eye
Obliterator: Gravity Pull and Pulverizor
Octane: Unstable Gas, Eagle Eye, Explosion, Fire Bolt
Osiris: Eternity, Scarabs.....
Paradox: None (has PU)
Rainbow: Congeal, Gravity Pull, Lightning, Eagle Eye, Explosions, Steals
Scorpio: Congeal, Ulitharid, Arctic Octopi, Ice Bolt
Seism: Rewind, Quicksand