From what I've done on the trainer (don't have the electrum to make it yet), this deck is pretty useful. One thing I should mention is that when I played Morte with the deck as is, replacing my permafrost shield with bone walls was the worst possible advice. Sure, it lasted for a few rounds after that (filled slots -> fire storm which killed them all, slots were almost instantly refilled by the graveyards so I did it again), but his bone wall was similarly inflated. I didn't end up doing any damage to him before my bone walls were totally exhausted. Every enemy I killed that wasn't a skeleton generated four more skeletons, and if I didn't kill retroviruses he would just sacrifice them. So despite having a quinted oty with 30 hp, I wasn't able to to anything.
On the other hand, once his hand is full of skeletons which do 2 damage, the permafrost shield fully absorbs everything and you can just mess around until he decks out.
EDIT: On the other other hand, if you manage to destroy his graveyards (or at least having only one or two out there instead of the four I was up against) with at least one fire storm and bone wall left, you could easily get up a huge bone wall against a reduced number of creatures, which would stand you in good stead. So basically it's a situational call; just don't swap out a permafrost if they have four graveyards.