When i tried it on the trainer. I had a really good win percentage.
So i made the deck and ive been using it for a day now, And im losing almost every fight. Im losing to even the FGs that PuppyChow rated as easy.
So far im at 15-20% win rate.
Is it possible that the AI difficulty on trainer and the real game are different?
Anyone having as shitty win rate as me?
I believe the AI are different, but the win rate seems to work for me. Try telling what exactly you have problems with. Also, some of the gods are easy, but if they have good draws they can win against you. If you don't have a tower or a s-nova in your hand, you hsould autoquit. If you only have 1 tower, and the god is not rated as easy, you should quit.
Now for my comments...
First of all, very nice deck. I have been using it for awhile and the win rate is rather good.
I find that light quantum is unused. I have added a leaf dragon(upped rustler) to use some of the quantum. This is also useful because it generates 2 life quantum per 1 light quantum. Because of the use of life quantum in the FFQ and Fallen Druid, this stops you from running out of life quntum on some of the harder FGs such as Decay. Yes, this has saved me from losing to decay once. (I won 2 upped cards on the rolls after that match

Also, adding a Time Tower in can help make sure you can rewind using Eternity. It also helps with draws from the Electrum Hourglasses. Sometimes I lost a match because of lack of time quantum. The tower also provides enough excess quantum that if you want to rewind some skeletons to make more creatures for extra endgame damage, you can. Of course, you cannot rewind a skeleton if you only have 1 card remaining in your deck.
Edit: Crusader also works quite well. On some of the gods such as the new one who uses overdrive gravity dragons(Akebonos or something i think...?) Being able to play early Eternity to rewind the dragons after he overdrives them helps win matches. Crusader can take Eternities ability so you can play Pulverizer to take out his Tower Shield and Titan.
Kudos PuppyChow on this deck.