I'm still a fan of this deck, but not at all a fan of the draws I've been getting. Seriously, every round I either get all my supernovas and quantum towers in the top of the deck, with all creatures at the bottom, or I get all my expensive cards on the top and (several times now) no towers or novas to speak of. Last time I played this deck, I thrashed most of the easy gods. This time, I lose to almost all of them roughly half the time (and the hard gods every time). Frequently I will draw all my quints and no creatures for ages, of vice versa on a god where quints are necessary. And even when I do finally get my creatures and enough quanta to play them, I never get enough quanta to use their abilities (except for some reason the FFQ, I can usually do that 8 or 9 times by the time I get her out).
In a word: frustrated.