Excessive PC is it's weakness, and if it didn't have that weakness it would be rediculously over powered.
Fortunately, most FGs don't have excessive PC.
If you are going for a high FGei, skip the FGs that have excessive PC. If you like a high win rate that follow below:
A few tricks to protect against PC when facing the AI
The AI will target SoPa for steal before any of your other perms.
The AI will target Sundials for all other PC before any of your other perms.
The AI will target only one Sundial in the same form of destruction. It won't cast two deflags on both sundials for example, but it will cast a deflag and a butterfly effect on two sundials.
Against Jezebel, sit on your dials and SoPa for as long as you can, use dials later in the game, let Jezebel steal your towers instead and hope she doesn't get a grav nymph you can win 30% of the time that way (otherwise she's a skip)
Against Osiris Anti-flax SoFos, the AI will eat the SoFo immediately, and catapult the cell. (Almost always a win unless it has SoFo out of first or second turn, don't skip)
Against Dream catcher, anti-flax anything it puts butterfly effect on, and use Sundials even if they are a waste if you put out SoPas early. (Wins are usually TTW and hard earned)
Against Akibono, use anti-flax on SoFo it will often Chimera early to block the anti-flax. Also use anti-flax on Chimera, it will self destruct it's own chimera into a cell for some unknown reason. (Using this trick Akebono is almost always a win, don't skip)
Against Hecate, use and cast only one SoPa later in the game, destroy it once he has stolen it. If he releases it before you destroy it, you can cast a SoPa again. Use a TTW for a win. (Don't skip)
Against Divine Glory, hold onto SoPa and two novas until cells fill the board or almost fill the board, use up to 3 SoSas and hope he doesn't have a slow damage draw to stay alive. Then cast 2 sundials and SoPa together, continue with the 2 sundials thing for 3 rounds, then cast your last SoSa, you will end up with 4 turns of SoPa bonus giving you 207 damage, unfortunately, his shield will block 23 of that damage usually and he has miracles. So you will then attack, take the SoSa damage, probably attack again, almost die, then finally win. (This is a hard win, usually you skip for FGei sake)
Eternal Phoenix, and Hermes have all the combos to beat this deck, no advice, wins when they do happen are because the AI had a bad hand.