7-13, 6 EM
Osiris: Two SoFo came out early, but I baited them to destroy Sundials and no more were played as long as SoSac was active. WIN (EM)
Hecate: Insufficient stall. RP/poison/dagger brought me below 40HP despite Sundial, not that it mattered since I had no SoSac left. LOSE
Divine Glory: Blew up every single pillar. I didn't even have enough to play an Aflatoxin. LOSE
Chaos Lord: 0 pillar draw and Steal mutant. LOSE
Akebono: Great draw, but 2xSoFo. I ended up not having enough quanta to play even a SoSac, and another SoFo hit the field as soon as the chain ended. LOSE
Jezebel: 0 pillar draw, but SoBe got me a pillar. Tried to bait out Steals with Sundials, but there were still too many steals and she got SoP in the end. LOSE
Serket: Lots of SoB in the opening hand makes this easy peasy. WIN (EM)
Dark Matter: 0 pillar draw. Damage came out surprisingly fast. Again, not enough quanta to chain SoSac. LOSE
Jezebel: Aflatoxin didn't come until 7 cards left in the deck. Even the FG's slower-than-normal damage did not save me. LOSE
Dream Catcher: Quick BE/Quicksand. LOSE
Serket: Easy win. Completely unremarkable. WIN (EM)
Akebono: 0 pillar draw, but lots of SoB and Nova. I thought I'd get into lots of trouble when 2xSoFo hit the field, but they got Chimera'd next turn before doing anything. SoFo #3 and SoFo #4, on the other hand, were not nearly as harmless. LOSE
Obliterator: Turn 2 Pulvy. LOSE
Osiris: 0 pillar 0 nova draw. Somehow pulled through despite no pillars until the deck had 13 cards left. SoFo hit the field but got catapulted after 1 use. Ran out of stall anyways, though. LOSE
Incarnate: 0 pillar 0 nova draw. Managed to pull through but thanks to lack of stall had to use SoB more than I would have preferred to, decking out. LOSE
Paradox: A game of major derpitude on all sides. 0 pillar draw... by Paradox, who also only got 1 RoL. On one hand SoB was nearly useless, but on the other hand the ridiculously slow damage meant I had plenty of time to draw the combo normally. I stupidly forgot to chain SoSac but survived with Sundials. WIN
Jezebel: Another game against Jezebel... and another 0 pillar draw. Air Nymph sealed my fate. LOSE
Scorpio: 1 pillar draw by Scorpio, so damage was slow for a while. WIN (EM)
Lionheart: 0 pillar draw. In other words, completely unremarkable. WIN (EM)
Ferox: 0 pillar 0 nova. Again, unremarkable. Singularities are generated in your hand if creature zones are all filled. The more you know... WIN (EM)