Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
Fishy FG Drowner(still needs a better name xD)(credit for name goes to nilsieboy)
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52n 52n 5ie 5ie 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u6 6u7 71b 74b 77f 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7dl 7dl 7do 7q5 7q5 80h 80h 80i 8pj
Well, after that toadfish buff, i wondered if a good FG killer could be made with toadfish. At first i tried a duo with Toadfish/EE. That failed, because my toadfish got owned by cc. After scrapping a few other ideas, i came up with this.
Card Breakdown:
Supernova: Quick quantum generation
Boneyard: With your Fishes and Oty killing everything, you get skeletons quick.
Shard of Gratitude: Healing.
Fallen Druid: Mutate those Skeles into huge hitters, or mutate FG's creatures into Kill range.
Bonewall: Tons of kills=tons of bonewall shields
Fire Buckler: some help for fishes and oty
Firestorm: Crowd control for crowds your fishes and oty can't handle
Antimatter: Extra Healing
Pulverizer: PC.
Quintessence: protect your toadfishes oty and druid
Fractal: for that extra damage or mass toadfishes
Electrum Hourglass: for extra draws
Spine Carapace:Like a Fire buckler, except with 1 block and stacking damage
Edit:took out a bond and a PA for 2 Hourglasses
Edit2:since i took out the bond, realized i could take out a buckler for a thorn