If you have actually tried this then you wouldn't be saying that, you would be surprised. Instead of advertising your deck why don't you be a normal part of the discussion, seriously, your deck is very slow. this deck isn't designed to be better or work more thorougly, it is purely a cheap,faster, yet still effective alternative.
Lol, I'm not here to "advertise my deck".
I couldn't care less if people play it or not. In fact if that whole sticky post were to be deleted right now I wouldn't even blink. I've moved on from that whole False God scene a long time ago.
I have a CCG background and I am well aware the smaller the deck the better, but it's different with False Gods because they cheat. It's impossible to design a non-upgraded 30 card deck that has a better winning percentage than a 50 card deck simply because non-upgraded cards are much weaker. When I did my False God deck I started with 30 cards but kept adding cards because I saw that it clearly improved my winning percentage. Having tons of cards and drawing tons of cards balances out the fact that non-upgraded cards are so weak.
I haven't tried this
exact deck, but I don't need to because I've played plenty of very similar 30 card rainbow decks, and I know exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are. I'm not saying that this deck sucks but it sure as hell doesn't have a 70%+ winning percentage. You said it yourself in your original post, if you face Seism or Rainbow you quit. Of course the effectiveness of grinding will balance out because win or lose, this deck is faster.
What I've seen here and on that other thread, you seem to take this whole deckbuilding way too personally. This isn't a competition you know. Ultimately we should all be looking for decks that work, not to argue about stuff like "my deck is better than your deck!!!". I mean really.. who gives a s***?