tl;dr My first original deck!
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6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 74d 74d 74i 77l 77l 77l 77l 7js 7js 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7tb 7tg 7tg 808 80b 80b 8pj
Strategy: g pull a doll til it's almost dead, then tu it a few times. Or overdrive one and tu it for the beatdown. (:
I've gotten steady turn 6-8s with this deck; 2-3 minutes per game.
Strategic flaws of this style:
Quanta denial while end this. To a lesser extent discords will. See the first thing to remember.
Rewind and freeze/shockwave are tyrannically bad, or good, depending on your side. Be aware of them. B. bloods are the best way to deal with creatures and weapons. again, see the first thing to remember.
Do remember:
Having the shielding doll and the dagger up is usually the first priority! This will get tons of EMs. selling cards to get upgrades is not needed with this deck played well.
The stiletto's not a bad liability; Weapons can be frozen by b. blooding a doll. 8)
Build a high max hp doll to soak damage, then t. universe it. Holding a sundial chain for the finishing blows is a core strategy.
Unless all creatures have momentum, or there aren't any. Then the mindgate and accelerated doll are prime offense.
mindgate copying creature control such as druids or otyughs then b. blooding is control and offense in one. Don't let the doll get overwhelmed, this deck takes some mental math near the end to get fast clean victories. My gold deck kills are 2-3 minutes, 6-8 turns usually; Ems are occasional too.
Holding out for the other doll is a waste of time if you don't have the draw speed to catch it quickly. When I make a mistake I let it go, usually. Unless the bad luck is mutual for my enemy.
Half the aether cards, and all of the shadow and gravity cards can be upgraded last. Expect primal differences between the first and final upgrades, and please feel free to share how you feel this (should) play{s}. (As far as any upgrades go, feel free to claim them for your own.)