update7/7: with 100 fight
deck | Over 42 cards |
players | Ooli |
version | 1,32 | | win-rate | 36% |
$ track ? | disabled | | win-rate (n) | n.a. |
games | 100 | | Score/h | n.a. |
win-loss-(EM) | 36-64-( 8 ) | | Score/h (n) | n.a. |
time (h:m:s) | n.a. | | FGei[c]* | n.a. |
min/game | n.a. | | FGei[cn]* | n.a. |
Statmasta™realtec I played Elements since scrarcrowgirl posted his first rainbow FG farmer.
I play irregularly. There's a reason: I play a few days, Test some new cards, Enjoy the game.
And , after a while , I got really frustrated with how the AI cheats:The AI know your card. It even know the card you will draw and anticipate to screw you.
So here come the "Over 42 cards" deck. Or "surprise the AI":
Serendipity shard is, IMHO an underrated shard (compared to SoFocus, or SoSacrifice). It allow more cards in your deck , meaning more creatures essentially.
With more creature , you can throw them without too much concern about creature control. You just lost a Otyugh , no problem: you 'll probably get another soon, or a more useful card.
Instead of being scared, you can play with a bit of carelessness.
But that's not the important idea.
Out of 20 fight (I decided for a small number and begin recording fights, once I saw it did pretty well against FG) it win 10.
50% win rate without skipping.The sample is very short and it need far more testing.
But the point is: without having new trick, the deck did pretty well (and with some un-upgraded cards)
IMO it 's because Serendipity Shard (and MindGate may be) are the only way to fool the AI.
The others cards, were just some OP stuff (Otyiugh,Ulitharid, Hourglass); And some Bonewall and Boneyard and Feral bond, on the assumption that a lot of creature will be killed by the FG and could as well feed some defense. And the Mindgate on the idea to have "surprise" card, the AI wont know you will have when it plays its turn.
I bet you can come up with something better. I just want to draw the attention on the hidden power of SoSerendipity.
Remember old FG-farmer:
RoL Hope was awesome, then the AI was changed to target RoL when an Hope shield was in play.
The Voodoo Doll deck was awesome, then the AI stopped targeting mindlessly Voodoo Doll, etc ...
Actually the AI never target your Malignant Cell (allowing the actual Aflatoxin/SoPatience decks to shine) . That will be corrected once Zanzarino put his mind on it. With SoSerendipity the AI cannot anticipate what you will play. And never will.
My point is. SoSerendipity are the only way you can be sure the AI wont know what you have next.
So the AI will make more mistake, and every FG-farmer rely on tricking the AI one way or the other.
God by god: