Okay, as a general rule of thumb, in PSNbows you do not want your total quanta consumption for an off-mark element to be > 6. Reason being the odds of you pulling out more than 3 Supernovae in less than 10 turns during a duel is not very high at all.
My recommendations:
-1 Firefly + 1 UG. UG is 5

+ 1

for 20 damage in 2 turns. That's better damage potential than a Graboid over that period of time, plus you get to deal damage to all creatures to boot. Your only other real alternative is to add an Elite Wyrm, but since you're not using Quantum Towers, it's probably better to go with the Unstable Gas as you'll only find yourself using the Wyrm's ability once most of the time.
-1 Morning Glory, +1 Elite Pegasus. You
usually don't need 2 weapons in a deck like this when their purposes aren't that much different, plus your current quanta consumption for

is 7, so it needs to be reduced. Pegasus makes the total 6, and it has beautiful synergy with Improved Blessing. Unfortunately it runs the risk of fighting with UG for

, but I don't imagine this being a very common problem.
-1 Long Sword, +1 Gavel, change mark to

. You've got 3 Graboids right now so you definitely need that

mark. Gavel does 1 more point of damage than Long Sword and with Supernova you'll find that increase in cost to be nonexistent most of the time.
-1 Rewind, +1 Graboid. Eh, the Rewind is too situational for it to be your CC of choice in this deck. And since you're running a PSNbow, you need to use up more quanta matching your mark. Seems balanced this way.
With those changes your quanta consumption per element is:
Entropy: 2 (Since Supernova replenishes this and is absolutely required, it's not a big concern).
Death: 6, perfectly balanced.
Gravity: 5, gives more flexibility if Gavel should drain 1

Earth: 12, fine because it's run off of your mark. Not including Supernova, your Quantum Index for

is approximately 3.5; required QI is 2.4. This gives you a bit of flexibility since you can now bury your Shriekers if you choose, so you're good.
Life: 4, lots of flexibility here.
Fire: 6, perfectly balanced.
Water: 4, good flexibility.
Light: 6, perfectly balanced.
Air: 5-12, this depends on whether or not you draw both a Pegasus and an UG during the duel and you use the Pegasus's ability multiple times during the duel. It can satisfy the 6 quanta rule just fine, so it's balanced.
Time: 4, can be used as needed.
Darkness: 5, decent flexibility.
Aether: 5, decent flexibility.
If you make those changes you should notice much less quanta/damage issues than before. I do hope this was helpful