For some reason after hearing that Pharaohs weren't a very useful card I decided to throw them into a Speedbow and see what would happen. I doubt I managed to prove it's more useful, but this deck is truly fun to mess around with.
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6u2 6u2 6u2 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 713 77g 77g 7ae 7ae 7dm 7dm 7jr 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qc 7tb 80b 8pj
Yeah, it's not a PSNbow. If it were to become a PSNbow like I had considered doing originally, then you wouldn't have the quanta to play Pharaohs/spawn Scarabs fast enough. So in other words, there'd be no reason to use Pharaohs over just Scarabs in that case. This way you can't play Supernova until at least the 3rd turn, but you'll very rarely not have enough quanta for Pharaohs/Scarabs. Against AI3 the TTW typically ranges from 6-11, although I have managed as fast as 5TTW.
The card choice should be pretty common sense. Because this is designed to be a Speedbow, you'll need to get those Scarabs up to a pretty high Att/HP quickly to be able to dominate the field. The 3 Chaos Powers should help with that.
-In the event that you can't pull off a Pharaoh to swarm the field, you have the alternative of powering up the Pegasus instead of a Scarab. TUing that sucker after a Dive allows for massive damage to be dealt.
-TU is great to use on Pharaohs when you're swimming in
quanta and want to invade the field faster. Otherwise you can TU one giant Scarab for double the Devour power. -Actually, with Chaos Power, the possibilities are almost endless.
-Aside from that the setup is pretty much a standard Speedbow format: Rushing creatures, PC splash for greater rushing power. It's surprisingly consistent too.