ahh, thanks, that finally explains things somewhat.
except of course, that unupgraded does same thing, except that there is much less chance to get anything so big that oty can't eat it right away.
and originally my idea was to use unupgraded elf instead of demon or mind flayer (not instead of upgraded elf) -, which both are very situational, while elf is more general, but scaredgirl likes to use ulitharid everywhere, searched for logical reasoning (not "play 2 weeks more" , but that's scaredgirl )
Ulitharid everywhere? Hevent seen then in many FG decks.
Ulith isnt a good card for FG: quite useful in the beginning, will became more and more useless in advanced match: an otyugh will do truly better, and will be needed even if you have an ulith on field: lobotomizing dragons isnt so useful
I personally like Ulitharid. He's an interesting character that can really turn the game around in some situations. And most importantly, I like to have many different kinds of characters in my False Gods deck because otherwise grinding gets boring really fast. Arctic Squid is also a good choice but most players don't have it.
And cdgx.. one thing you always have to take into consideration is quantum usage balance. You can't just keep taking characters at random. I personally would never take more than one elf/druid because he uses
LIFE QUANTUM that is already in heavy use by FFQ's and Feral Bonds.