Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
I've had mixed luck with this deck so far, but the fun certainly comes from seeing the look on an opponent's face when they figure out what you're up to. The biggest weakness so far would be a Mono Gravity deck; Momentum defeats the strategy outright; the plan is to rely on Dissipation Fields backed by 20 Quantum Towers. The opponent has to surpass 60 damage a turn simply to begin to drain the quanta reserves as well, and that could take ages. Also included are SoD, Purify, Holy Flash, and Miracle, all to make your life as large as possible and heal at the last turn for a hopeful EM. Granite Skin could be included (+2 GS, -2 Hourglass or Sundial) but I'm not sure of the best place to fit it in. Arsenic and Deadly Poisons for poison damage. The main reason Arsenic is there is for near foolproof poisoning, even if the opponent has a Purify or few, poison damage can be reapplied, whereas exchanging the combo for DPs and GSs would be riskier, I think.
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