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Silver league farming stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32464.msg410236#msg410236
« on: October 15, 2011, 09:47:58 am »
I decided to keep track of my actual performance grinding the Silver League and hope others will chip in. I played 200 games, 100 on the 13th of October, 100 on the 14th. It seems to me the best way to make money once you can afford a deck that will work. A game only costs 15 electrum to play but the payout is on par with a False God while the oppenents are not as difficult as false gods.

Here's the deck I used. It's Grabbix as fully upgraded as possible without changing the basic concept (except for exchanging one Phoenix for a Lava Destroyer), all credit to kevkev for this great deck, while it doesn't work quite as well since 1.29, with the immolations upgraded to cremations it still generates more :fire quanta than the original deck did before 1.29. I have included two additional cards: The fog shield, which I believe helps more than it hurts and one explosion (since 1.29 you want this upgraded, too, the one quantum can make all the difference) to get rid of the opponent's shield, which is also extremely helpful. To free up a bit of quanta for the explosion I made that exchange from Phoenix to Lava Destroyer.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 5c1 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5og 71a 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 8pm

Ok, and here are my stats. No games played with a creature from Oracle, no "new starts" (on the second day I was down 1-6 at first):

200 games, 123 wins, 15 EMs, 77 losses, 7 special spins, 7.49 ttw. Roughly 6000 electrum won (not counting cards, which actually I didn't count anyway.)

Day one: 100 games, 56 wins, 4 EMs, 44 losses, 2 special spins, 8.00 ttw. (min 4, max 14)
Day two: 100 games, 67 wins, 11 Ems, 33 losses, 5 special spins, 6.98 ttw. (min 1, max 13)

Notes: I've been grinding silver league for quite some time now and I felt the first day was very tough in comparison. Not once did I come up against one of those easy EM decks with only 1 HP, while on day two I caught 7 of those, the main reason the ttw on day two is so much lower. For a long time on day one it didn't look like I would get any special spins, the first came late and the second on the 100th game. While on day two the draw was very kind to me, allowing me 5 special spins.

On adding explosion: Grabbix had no PC and I felt just a little is justified. Since you have no healing and no defense (well, the fog shield which I also added), you don't want the attacks to be impeded. Any shield is worth getting rid of, even if a new one comes out a turn later. Especially true for the fire shield if you still have the Lycan, Forest spirit or Lava Golem/Destroyer on hand.

Most memorable losses: On day one I faced the ultimate stall deck, no creatures, just a ton of sancts and shards. Now, Grabbix is fast and I was sure I'd beat him, had him down to single digit health, creatures dealing a ton of damage, but then flooding came out and slowly but surely his health grew back to 200 and I decked out (or quit a bit sooner). On day two, somebody put up a rainbow of flying weapons. Nice, but usually not very successful, I'd think. But it was really like: First turn a blessed flying vampire dagger, second turn a flying morning star, third a flying eternity and already a discord in the slot, I used my explosion on it and immediately a pulvy came out and that was then end of it. Pretty sight it was, all those weapons.

So, anybody better/faster? Speed is essential for grinding, methinks. I've put together a RoL/Hope and a slightly upgraded Flay 'Em for taking on the false gods and these games just last forever. Which can be fun and satisfying, but grinding the silver league to me is for collecting electrum to upgrade the cards I want upgraded most (still want 4 supernovas, for example). I didn't keep track of time, didn't play all the games in a row anyway, but I'd guess I played about 3 hours per day for those 100 games.


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Re: Silver league farming stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32464.msg411575#msg411575
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 05:57:37 pm »
-6 photon +6 gnome gemfinder -2 phoenix +2 Lava Destroyers; IMO is better

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Re: Silver league farming stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32464.msg411576#msg411576
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2011, 06:07:14 pm »
Also turn mark to earth if you add gemfinder
War Se7en


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Re: Silver league farming stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32464.msg411872#msg411872
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2011, 09:54:56 am »
-6 photon +6 gnome gemfinder -2 phoenix +2 Lava Destroyers; IMO is better
Certainly a great idea, however, I don't have a single gemfinder (and only the one Detroyer) and still nowhere near the cash to upgrade at will.

I wonder if there aren't better deck ideas (preferably only semi-upgraded) for the arena, since Grabbix - and your variation as well, I believe - suffers against the popular arena decks mono-aether, mono fire and GofP+Nightmare. The strong point is obviously the speed, hoping to kill the opponent before he gets set up and speed is nice if not essential for grinding anyway.

Anyway, I just wanted to set up some kind of reference others can compare themselves to and hopefully post some of their own stats.

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Re: Silver league farming stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32464.msg411885#msg411885
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2011, 11:08:58 am »
IMHO Gosthmare unupped shuld work rather well, add some steal for MA (MonoAether)
War Se7en

