Thought it's mono, since I'm only using earth quanta and the other cards are just to feed the golems. So, thanks for moving it to the right area.
Also the deck's code was a bit messed up. I didn't pay attention to that, but I fixed it now.
And now to the cards. IMO shards are only worth it, if they have a good passive skill or a good active skill that requires 2 shards of the same element.
My experiences so far tell me, that you have one or two elements with 2-3 shards in your hand at the time you create your golem. So the skills using a single shard get skipped and the skills using more than 3 shards never get a chance. It feels like at least 80% of the time you have 2 shards or less, so a 3shard spell is a nice add-on, but you shouldn't rely on it.
Also you should keep in mind that passives stack, while the active skill is pretty much luck, so going for a good passive is better than going for a really good active.
I therefore just went for the passives, which means 6 shards of:
- Earth
- Fire
- Air
- Gravity
- Aether
Adding novas to the deck gives you the chance to play your shards and not just use them for golems. That's sometimes helpful, but sometimes i also regret not having a stronger golem right from the start, just because my hand was filled with some novas. Don't think that you can say novas or no novas at all is better in general. IMO that depends on the situation and your preferences.
So long story short
, right now i still like the deck i posted the most, since the passives are pretty helpful to me.
I will try playing around with numbers of shards next and see if I can make this any better.
Also, if you have further ideas, please let me know