Also, the some of the gods have a 'tactic' of not playing any creatures once a doll is gravity pulled until it can do enough damage to kill them in one hit. This is not much more effective than what it was doing already, you just need to plan ahead a little more.
What!? ... So you are saying the FGs won't play critters anymore if they can't kill the doll?
Yup, the AI change ruined this fantastic deck. A winrate of 33% was really good, considering the speed of the deck; now it's around 20-25%, I think. Combined to some bad luck on the rolls, I'm actually loosing electrum when using this deck, now.
Originally, I estimated the deck to play up to 25% win-rate with an average speed of 2-3min/game. Here is the excerpt from the first page:
I didn't take stats yet, but my guess is that this deck ranges around a pretty small 25% win-rate.
With an assumed 33% card-spin rate (if you actually win a match), that means that you need an
averaging 12 games before you finally win a card!
-> 12 x 30 = 360elec spent, 1150elec won = 790elec profit. (voodoo-deck)
Of course that will seem rather much like one big loosing streak at first!
The thing is, once again, that you can easily play those 12 games in half an hour,
a timeframe within which other decks will make maybe 3 games, giving you pretty much
only 0,4 won cards (with an assumed win-rate of 40%).
-> 3 x 30 = 90elec spent, 1150 x 0,4 elec won = 370elec profit. (rainbow-deck)
Now that direct comparison leaves a lot of room for the worst failures with this deck ...
Even just a 15% win-rate would break even with a slow, but steady, rainbow-deck.
25% would still amount to an FGei(c) of roughly 1800.
Of course, this is depressing when you used to play an FGei of ~3000 and the
biggest problem is probably the frustration while playing (an not the numbers behind the game).
Nevertheless, effectivity-wise the deck should still hold its ground against other FG-decks.
Personally, I am really looking forward to Kirchs FG-deck study in 1.27 ... I will pick up
playing Shak'ar for this study again and actually see in praxis how much the old
voodoo-mage has been nerfed.