Sorry it took a while to respond. I was trying to pretty up the info for ya.

And yes I went through every post.
As for my games, you could use the win rate, normalized win rate, card win rate, and average electrum per game stats if you want. Using the FGei may not be quite fair since it's a small sampling. Hopefully in the future I'll give you something with more recorded times.
STRATEGY COMPILATIONBasic Concepts- Play Pendulums/Towers and Supernovas to gain quanta.
- Play VD and GF to redirect damage to Doll. This buys you time and hurts the FG.
- Use BB on your VD to lengthen his life and freeze the FG's weapon.
- Once your VD is low on HP, use TU to multiply the damage done on that VD's HP to the FG's HP.
General Strategies- In general, wait to start your combo as long as possible. Once you GF your doll, there's no turning back so make sure you have as many of the cards you need to pull a win as possible.
- In general, you need a minimum combination of 3 BBs and 2 TUs or 2 BBs and 3 TUs plus the VD and GF.
- Play your VD and BB ASAP if the FG plays a weapon. Also, always hold on to 1 BB if your VD doesn't need it to live. Use it to (re)freeze the FG's weapon.
- Play an early VD without BB to draw out CC spells (Lances, Plagues, etc.). Do not use this tactic against FGs with Rewind. Wait to play the GF until you're ready to start the combo.
- Keep track of the damage potential of the FG's next turn. It's not enough to add up the damage on the field. You must know what kind of creatures he might draw and see if he has enough quanta to play those creatures. To be safe, always assume he'll do the maximum damage. However, there are times where you have to just hope he doesn't play x creature because it's the only way you can win due to the circumstances.
- If your VD might/will die next turn but you don't have enough TUs to win, go ahead and TU the VD once to save a copy of the damage already accumulated on that VD. Drawing more BBs, TUs, or even another GF might win you the game in the subsequent turns. Also, go ahead and use any of your BBs on that VD that's going to die anyways before you TU. You'll do maximum damage with the first VD and you'll have the extra HP for the second VD in case you draw another GF.
Advance Techniques (aka Guerilla Tactics)- If you're taking too much damage too quickly and you need to buy yourself some time, play your VD, all your BBs, a GF, then TU it. By doing this, you create a massive meatshield while you buy yourself more time to draw the needed cards to win. A second GF in hand is recommend before attempting this.
The FGs damage is suddenly at 32 and you are bound to do something or die (26 HPs left).
Unfortunately, you only hold 2 measly BBs so far. Casting the VD now means the VD dies next turn if you
don't draw another BB right away. Your clogged hand holds: 3 TUs, 2 GFs, 2 BBs, 1 VD.
Looks like its Guerilla-time!
turn1 -> You spit in the face of the FG by casting VD + 2 BBs + 1 TU, then you GF VD1.
turn2 -> (draw: no BB, sorry) your VD1 has 28HP left, you leave it to die and suck up that damage.
turn3 -> (draw: whatever) the FG ramped up his dmg to 38, VD1 has bit the grass and dealt a total of 54dmg
to the FG, you GF VD2.
turn4 -> (draw: BB, finally!) VD2 has 22 HP left, + 1 BB = 42HP
turn5 -> (draw: whatever) VD2 has 4 HP left, you TU it twice and kill the god: 76 x 2 = 152 + 54 (VD1) = 206!
What you just did is converting a single TU into 60 life-saving HPs (VD1) to keep you afloat a couple more turns.
That gave you a chance to finally draw that damn 3rd BB over 3 turns.
If you had just stuck to your standard plan, you would have hit "quit" at turn 2 because normally, TUing a doll
for low damage is inacceptable: you just need to hit that magical 67 damage (2 TUs) or 50 damage (3 TUs) with your
VD alive to do it. This is especially the case if you don't have the aether quanta to just "blow" a TU on this move.
The more standard version of this guerilla-move I use quite often is TUing a half-assed damaged doll (e.g.~45HP)
to preserve my doll while I hope for more BBs. - It's sometimes necessary to play a defensive BB. Examples include controlling momentum damage from creatures, stopping Fallen Druids from mutating, stopping Gravity Nymphs from spamming Black Hole, etc.
- Additionally, it's sometimes necessary to burn a TU on an opposing creature, and then GF it's copy or some other nasty creature. Examples include abnormally large creatures from miracle, paradox, or TUing something without momentum to GF a creature with momentum.
- Against some FGs, it's recommended to play the deck as a TU deck and use BB and GF as CC. Use GFs first, especially when you can TU a creature that has enough attack to knock out a creature with 1 hit. Alternately, you can use GFs on your VDs to stop a little damage, buying you a turn or two.
- In some situations you can use any extra quanta and TUs on enemy uber-creatures to shave off some HP off the FG.
One scenario of a "bad draw" is getting like 4 TUs early on. Now if that is paired with your decent standard
2 towers you just got yourself some options other than only playing plan A.
With towers you can actually afford to use 1 or even 2 TUs for something other than your doll to get an early
game advantage.
I have copied kick-ass Lavadestroyers, Forestspectres, Lightdragons, Druids, Mutants ... anything that shaves
off an extra 15-30 damage (depending on survivability).
Also keep in mind that you will often have an extra GF hanging around: Your freshly cloned Lava Destroyer
just killed your one worry if you can make it long enough for your VD cast ...
FG by FG BreakdownPlay your deck as a TU + stall deck. TU his largest mutant and then use your CC to control his field (Druids, Demons, and other nasties). TUing the best mutant makes for better mutants. Also consider TUing creatures whose ability you have extra quanta of. If he's holding on to a Dissipation Shield, you often need to go the normal route.
Speed-Farming: Precognition is really your friend. If he's holding on to early Druids and Mutations and you don't have a good TU hand, quit.
Much harder with the tower version than pendulum version. Don't play any SN until you have the entire combo in your hand—VD + GF + 2 BBs. Before then, just play as many pendulums as possible. If you use towers, you probably won't have enough entropy quanta. Once you have everything, cast a single supernova; cast more later when you need quanta.
Speed-Farming: Usually auto-quit if you're going for card/hour. If you do play a few turns, quit if he drops a couple of Chargers or Nymphs.
He's the opposite of Dark Matter, play as many SNs as you can as fast as possible. The exception is when you have a lot of everything except earth quanta. Then, save a SN for when you draw more BBs to prevent him from draining it all earlier. Damage really depends on eclipse, and the longer the game drags on before he plays one, the more likely he'll drain everything, including aether for TU's. Play your VDs when you can but don't BB them. Wait a turn for him to unload his Siphons and then use your BBs.
Speed-farming: For some, an auto-quit since you can only win if he plays an Eclipse early enough. He's not too bad to beat though otherwise.
Since he doesn't have as much mutation potential as Chaos Lord, you can often pull the normal combo off. You may have to play a defensive BB against Fallen Druids. Don't bother TUing his mutants because he carries Rewinds (unless it's an Entropy mutant, then sometimes it's worth it since you usually have extra Entropy quanta).
Speed-farming: Like Chaos Lord, if he's holding or dropping early Druids and you don't have a good TU hand, quit.
Pretty straightforward though you're often low on Aether quanta due to Explosions. Try to save a BB to freeze the weapon if you can.
Speed-farming: Play every game, even those with somewhat bad hands. He's the best FG for cards so you really want every chance you can get to beat him.
One of the easier matchups because the damage just doesn't come quickly from DC and his Butterfly Effect doesn't have as big an impact as it does vs. other FG farming decks. There is one tricky play you will have to watch out for. Discord will mix your quanta up, meaning you will want to have played a SN; however, he has 2 black holes, which means you would want to have held onto your SN's. More often than not you'll get screwed by Discord so go ahead and play your a SN (save the others). Make sure to play your VD + GF + BBs the same turn if you can. Since damage is low, you should have time to draw what you need before the VD dies.
Speed-farming: Quit if he messes up your quanta pool too much with a combination of Quicksand, BH, or Discord.
Make a large meatshield to soak up poison if you need to buy some time and you have the extra GF. Keep track of his aether quanta because of his TU spam. Precogs can help. Be safe and TU your VD if you think he might drop his TU bomb and your VD won't be able to handle it.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.
Damage comes faster than almost any other false god here so hope to draw your combo early and pray for as many BB’s as possible because damage is difficult to predict from EP. Beware of Fire Lances dealing death blows. Watch his aether quanta and assume that whenever he's going to hit 9 he'll play a fractal for another 4 or so phoenixes - that's 16 more damage; plan accordingly. You might consider using a BB on a Dragon if it will help your VD not be killed too soon.
Speed-farming: Quit if you don't have a good hand. You have to be fast to beat EP.
Ferox is fast. His speed is your biggest enemy. Damage is fairly straightforward although a Jade Dragon or two might throw off your damage calculation. You often have to do most if not all of the 200 damage through your TUs since he has lots of Bonds.
Speed-farming: Quit if he's healing to full health every turn and you won't have enough damage, Aether quanta, or TUs for an OTK.
Don't wait too long or there will be too many FFs and Bonds for your VD to handle. If you can afford to, leave a plain VD out for his Animated EE to snipe.
Speed-farming: Quit if she's healing to full health every turn and you won't have enough damage, Aether quanta, or TUs for an OTK.
Play your VD + GF sooner rather than later because much of his damage will bypass your VD anyways. If he only has 1 Momentum'd creature, make sure to BB it before you think he'll drop his TU bomb. You can't go with a TU deck because he'll just TU your creatures.
Speed-farming: If he plays or is holding several Momentums and Spiders, quit.
Play your VD + GF early because you will need to soak up as much damage as possible before momentum kills you. If he plays an early Momentum'd Otyugh, TU it and eat his Chargers and Momentum'd Firemasters.
Speed-farming: If he drops early Momentum on his Firemasters instead of Otyugh, quit.
Drop your VD ASAP but wait a turn for him to waste his Lances on it before you BB it. Sometimes BBing a built up Lava Destroyer to give your VD a breather for a few more turns will help. Also, consider TUing his first Destroyer once it's built up beyond Lance range (7 HP or more depending on if he wasted Lances on your VD already) and than GF his copy. You get rid of a powerful creature and you start wailing on his HP with a big hitter of your own. Be careful not to waste too much Earth quanta on growing him; you need them for your BBs too. Also, beware of Lances dealing unexpected death blows.
Speed-farming: Quit if you don't have a good hand. You have to be fast to beat Hermes.
Vampires cause him to heal himself so you're going to need more damage than normal. Keep track of Graveyards and Retroviruses when calculating damage. Leave a plain VD as long as possible to soak up poison. If you have the extra GF, drop your VD, all your BBs, and then TU it. You'll get double the poison that way. GF the first VD and let it die while adding extra BBs to the 2nd VD. Once the first one dies, GF the second VD and then TU spam that one before it dies. Of course play any extra VDs you have to get extra poison as well.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.
Straightforward battle except keep in mind that damage can either come modestly or at a speed that is impossible to build against. Consider burning an early TU or TU + GF to counter a multi-blessed Dragon or Pegasus. Make sure you have enough damage to kill him in one go. You can get him to about 60-70 HP remaining before he thinks about playing Miracle.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.
If you try and move too quickly, bone dragons can spoil your day. If you try and stall for more cards, poison can spoil your day. You just got to time it well. You can TU an Archangel to help your VD live longer, but overall, it's better to just TU your VD for more damage. If you have the extra GF, drop your VD, all your BBs, and then TU it. You'll get double the poison that way. GF the first VD and let it die while adding extra BBs to the 2nd VD. Once the first one dies, GF the second VD and then TU spam that one before it dies. Of course play any extra VDs you have to get extra poison as well. If he has more than 12 Light quanta, make sure you have enough damage to kill him in one go. You can get him to about 60-70 HP remaining before he thinks about playing Miracle.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand or he gets a ton of poison on you early.
Normally it's good to drop a VD without BBs to get a FG to waste his CC on it, but against Neptune, I would not recommend this unless you have an extra VD. He will Congeal and then Shockwave your VD into oblivion if it's not BB'd. You can let your HP run fairly low against Neptune but watch his Water quanta. Dragon and Crawler spam can hurt both you and your VD.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.
Obliterator will be happy to supply a GF if you don't have one. If he doesn't play a lot of Momentum, you can go with the normal strategy and BB any late Momentum'd creatures. If he starts off with a lot of Momentum (or has a lot in hand), go with a TU strategy. Drop a VD for him to GF. Then try to TU a momentum'd Dragon if possible. They can survive a hit or two if they get GF'd. If he does GF your Dragon, you play your own GF back on the VD. Also, if you're low on HP he'll sometimes pop open those Shriekers so watch out.
Speed-farming: Quit if he has a lot of momentum and you don't have a good TU hand.
Lots of Eagle's Eyes and animates = win. Lots of gases = lose. Drop all your VDs ASAP. Also, don't bother BBing them until you have to. They will be sniped if they aren't BB'd. GF your VD sooner rather than later because you have to get the damage in before 5 UGs are played.
Speed-farming: If he's holding a lot of UGs and no Animates or EEs, quit.
It's recommended to start your combo maybe a little sooner than usual if you have the cards to do so because of Trebuchets and momentum. Pretty straightforward otherwise.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.
Straightforward match except damage can come quickly and is REALLY unpredictable in calculating due to déjà vu splits, blessings, and TU spam. It seems like every time you have a nice comfortable BB cushion on your doll with GF applied, Paradox senses it, spams about 4 or 5 TUs on a giant furball, and squashes your hopes and dreams of winning.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.
Rainbow will be happy to supply a GF if you don't have one, but you'll have to wait for the Congeals to wear off. Playing a vanilla VD will also help draw out any Lightnings. Watch for his hourglasses to speed up the match and damage so be careful with your calculation. Also, if you're low on HP he'll sometimes pop open those Shriekers so watch out.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.
Get your VD out early because he doesn't have alot of physical damage and you will die too soon if you don't start working down your VD's HP early. Make a meat shield if you need to stop early Puffer poison and have the extra GF.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand or he gets a ton of poison on you early.
Try to play your Pendulums/Towers one by one due to Quicksands, or double stack the Pendulums when they are giving aether quanta. If you can spare a BB, sometimes it's smart to use one on a Dragon (Silurian especially). Also, if you're low on HP he'll sometimes pop open those Shriekers so watch out.
Speed-farming: Quit if RNG gave you a sucky Pillar draw.
[size=18pt][b]STRATEGY COMPILATION[/b][/size]
[size=14pt][b]Basic Concepts[/b][/size]
[list type=decimal]
[li]Play Pendulums/Towers and Supernovas to gain quanta.[/li]
[li]Play VD and GF to redirect damage to Doll. This buys you time and hurts the FG.[/li]
[li]Use BB on your VD to lengthen his life and freeze the FG's weapon.[/li]
[li]Once your VD is low on HP, use TU to multiply the damage done on that VD's HP to the FG's HP.[/li]
[size=14pt][b]General Strategies[/b][/size]
[list type=decimal]
[li]In general, wait to start your combo as long as possible. Once you GF your doll, there's no turning back so make sure you have as many of the cards you need to pull a win as possible.[/li]
[li]In general, you need a minimum combination of 3 BBs and 2 TUs or 2 BBs and 3 TUs plus the VD and GF.[/li]
[li]Play your VD and BB ASAP if the FG plays a weapon. Also, always hold on to 1 BB if your VD doesn't need it to live. Use it to (re)freeze the FG's weapon.[/li]
[li]Play an early VD without BB to draw out CC spells (Lances, Plagues, etc.). Do not use this tactic against FGs with Rewind. Wait to play the GF until you're ready to start the combo.[/li]
[li]Keep track of the damage [i]potential[/i] of the FG's next turn. It's not enough to add up the damage on the field. You must know what kind of creatures he might draw and see if he has enough quanta to play those creatures. To be safe, always assume he'll do the maximum damage. However, there are times where you have to just hope he doesn't play x creature because it's the only way you can win due to the circumstances.[/li]
[li]If your VD might/will die next turn but you don't have enough TUs to win, go ahead and TU the VD once to save a copy of the damage already accumulated on that VD. Drawing more BBs, TUs, or even another GF might win you the game in the subsequent turns. Also, go ahead and use any of your BBs on that VD that's going to die anyways before you TU. You'll do maximum damage with the first VD and you'll have the extra HP for the second VD in case you draw another GF.[/li]
[size=14pt][b]Advance Techniques (aka Guerilla Tactics)[/b][/size]
[list type=decimal]
[li]If you're taking too much damage too quickly and you need to buy yourself some time, play your VD, all your BBs, a GF, then TU it. By doing this, you create a massive meatshield while you buy yourself more time to draw the needed cards to win. A second GF in hand is recommend before attempting this.
[spoiler=An example]The FGs damage is suddenly at 32 and you are bound to do something or die (26 HPs left).
Unfortunately, you only hold 2 measly BBs so far. Casting the VD now means the VD dies next turn if you
don't draw another BB right away. Your clogged hand holds: 3 TUs, 2 GFs, 2 BBs, 1 VD.
Looks like its Guerilla-time!
turn1 -> You spit in the face of the FG by casting VD + 2 BBs + 1 TU, then you GF VD1.
turn2 -> (draw: no BB, sorry) your VD1 has 28HP left, you leave it to die and suck up that damage.
turn3 -> (draw: whatever) the FG ramped up his dmg to 38, VD1 has bit the grass and dealt a total of 54dmg
to the FG, you GF VD2.
turn4 -> (draw: BB, finally!) VD2 has 22 HP left, + 1 BB = 42HP
turn5 -> (draw: whatever) VD2 has 4 HP left, you TU it twice and kill the god: 76 x 2 = 152 + 54 (VD1) = 206!
What you just did is converting a single TU into 60 life-saving HPs (VD1) to keep you afloat a couple more turns.
That gave you a chance to finally draw that damn 3rd BB over 3 turns.
If you had just stuck to your standard plan, you would have hit "quit" at turn 2 because normally, TUing a doll
for low damage is inacceptable: you just need to hit that magical 67 damage (2 TUs) or 50 damage (3 TUs) with your
VD alive to do it. This is especially the case if you don't have the aether quanta to just "blow" a TU on this move.
The more standard version of this guerilla-move I use quite often is TUing a half-assed damaged doll (e.g.~45HP)
to preserve my doll while I hope for more BBs.[/spoiler][/li]
[li]It's sometimes necessary to play a defensive BB. Examples include controlling momentum damage from creatures, stopping Fallen Druids from mutating, stopping Gravity Nymphs from spamming Black Hole, etc.[/li]
[li]Additionally, it's sometimes necessary to burn a TU on an opposing creature, and then GF it's copy or some other nasty creature. Examples include abnormally large creatures from miracle, paradox, or TUing something without momentum to GF a creature with momentum.[/li]
[li]Against some FGs, it's recommended to play the deck as a TU deck and use BB and GF as CC. Use GFs first, especially when you can TU a creature that has enough attack to knock out a creature with 1 hit. Alternately, you can use GFs on your VDs to stop a little damage, buying you a turn or two.[/li]
[li]In some situations you can use any extra quanta and TUs on enemy uber-creatures to shave off some HP off the FG.
[spoiler=An example]
One scenario of a "bad draw" is getting like 4 TUs early on. Now if that is paired with your decent standard
2 towers you just got yourself some options other than only playing plan A.
With towers you can actually afford to use 1 or even 2 TUs for something other than your doll to get an early
game advantage.
I have copied kick-ass Lavadestroyers, Forestspectres, Lightdragons, Druids, Mutants ... anything that shaves
off an extra 15-30 damage (depending on survivability).
Also keep in mind that you will often have an extra GF hanging around: Your freshly cloned Lava Destroyer
just killed your one worry if you can make it long enough for your VD cast ...[/spoiler][/li]
[size=14pt][b]FG by FG Breakdown[/b][/size]
[spoiler=Chaos Lord]Play your deck as a TU + stall deck. TU his largest mutant and then use your CC to control his field (Druids, Demons, and other nasties). TUing the best mutant makes for better mutants. Also consider TUing creatures whose ability you have extra quanta of. If he's holding on to a Dissipation Shield, you often need to go the normal route.
Speed-Farming: Precognition is really your friend. If he's holding on to early Druids and Mutations and you don't have a good TU hand, quit.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dark Matter]Much harder with the tower version than pendulum version. Don't play any SN until you have the entire combo in your hand—VD + GF + 2 BBs. Before then, just play as many pendulums as possible. If you use towers, you probably won't have enough entropy quanta. Once you have everything, cast a single supernova; cast more later when you need quanta.
Speed-Farming: Usually auto-quit if you're going for card/hour. If you do play a few turns, quit if he drops a couple of Chargers or Nymphs.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Decay]He's the opposite of Dark Matter, play as many SNs as you can as fast as possible. The exception is when you have a lot of everything except earth quanta. Then, save a SN for when you draw more BBs to prevent him from draining it all earlier. Damage really depends on eclipse, and the longer the game drags on before he plays one, the more likely he'll drain everything, including aether for TU's. Play your VDs when you can but don't BB them. Wait a turn for him to unload his Siphons and then use your BBs.
Speed-farming: For some, an auto-quit since you can only win if he plays an Eclipse early enough. He's not too bad to beat though otherwise.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Destiny]Since he doesn't have as much mutation potential as Chaos Lord, you can often pull the normal combo off. You may have to play a defensive BB against Fallen Druids. Don't bother TUing his mutants because he carries Rewinds (unless it's an Entropy mutant, then sometimes it's worth it since you usually have extra Entropy quanta).
Speed-farming: Like Chaos Lord, if he's holding or dropping early Druids and you don't have a good TU hand, quit.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Divine Glory]Pretty straightforward though you're often low on Aether quanta due to Explosions. Try to save a BB to freeze the weapon if you can.
Speed-farming: Play every game, even those with somewhat bad hands. He's the best FG for cards so you really want every chance you can get to beat him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dream Catcher]One of the easier matchups because the damage just doesn't come quickly from DC and his Butterfly Effect doesn't have as big an impact as it does vs. other FG farming decks. There is one tricky play you will have to watch out for. Discord will mix your quanta up, meaning you will want to have played a SN; however, he has 2 black holes, which means you would want to have held onto your SN's. More often than not you'll get screwed by Discord so go ahead and play your a SN (save the others). Make sure to play your VD + GF + BBs the same turn if you can. Since damage is low, you should have time to draw what you need before the VD dies.
Speed-farming: Quit if he messes up your quanta pool too much with a combination of Quicksand, BH, or Discord.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Elidnis]Make a large meatshield to soak up poison if you need to buy some time and you have the extra GF. Keep track of his aether quanta because of his TU spam. Precogs can help. Be safe and TU your VD if you think he might drop his TU bomb and your VD won't be able to handle it.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Eternal Pheonix]Damage comes faster than almost any other false god here so hope to draw your combo early and pray for as many BB’s as possible because damage is difficult to predict from EP. Beware of Fire Lances dealing death blows. Watch his aether quanta and assume that whenever he's going to hit 9 he'll play a fractal for another 4 or so phoenixes - that's 16 more damage; plan accordingly. You might consider using a BB on a Dragon if it will help your VD not be killed too soon.
Speed-farming: Quit if you don't have a good hand. You have to be fast to beat EP.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Ferox]Ferox is fast. His speed is your biggest enemy. Damage is fairly straightforward although a Jade Dragon or two might throw off your damage calculation. You often have to do most if not all of the 200 damage through your TUs since he has lots of Bonds.
Speed-farming: Quit if he's healing to full health every turn and you won't have enough damage, Aether quanta, or TUs for an OTK.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fire Queen]Don't wait too long or there will be too many FFs and Bonds for your VD to handle. If you can afford to, leave a plain VD out for his Animated EE to snipe.
Speed-farming: Quit if she's healing to full health every turn and you won't have enough damage, Aether quanta, or TUs for an OTK.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Gemini]Play your VD + GF sooner rather than later because much of his damage will bypass your VD anyways. If he only has 1 Momentum'd creature, make sure to BB it before you think he'll drop his TU bomb. You can't go with a TU deck because he'll just TU your creatures.
Speed-farming: If he plays or is holding several Momentums and Spiders, quit.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Graviton]Play your VD + GF early because you will need to soak up as much damage as possible before momentum kills you. If he plays an early Momentum'd Otyugh, TU it and eat his Chargers and Momentum'd Firemasters.
Speed-farming: If he drops early Momentum on his Firemasters instead of Otyugh, quit.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hermes]Drop your VD ASAP but wait a turn for him to waste his Lances on it before you BB it. Sometimes BBing a built up Lava Destroyer to give your VD a breather for a few more turns will help. Also, consider TUing his first Destroyer once it's built up beyond Lance range (7 HP or more depending on if he wasted Lances on your VD already) and than GF his copy. You get rid of a powerful creature and you start wailing on his HP with a big hitter of your own. Be careful not to waste too much Earth quanta on growing him; you need them for your BBs too. Also, beware of Lances dealing unexpected death blows.
Speed-farming: Quit if you don't have a good hand. You have to be fast to beat Hermes.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Incarnate]Vampires cause him to heal himself so you're going to need more damage than normal. Keep track of Graveyards and Retroviruses when calculating damage. Leave a plain VD as long as possible to soak up poison. If you have the extra GF, drop your VD, all your BBs, and then TU it. You'll get double the poison that way. GF the first VD and let it die while adding extra BBs to the 2nd VD. Once the first one dies, GF the second VD and then TU spam that one before it dies. Of course play any extra VDs you have to get extra poison as well.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Miracle]Straightforward battle except keep in mind that damage can either come modestly or at a speed that is impossible to build against. Consider burning an early TU or TU + GF to counter a multi-blessed Dragon or Pegasus. Make sure you have enough damage to kill him in one go. You can get him to about 60-70 HP remaining before he thinks about playing Miracle.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Morte]If you try and move too quickly, bone dragons can spoil your day. If you try and stall for more cards, poison can spoil your day. You just got to time it well. You can TU an Archangel to help your VD live longer, but overall, it's better to just TU your VD for more damage. If you have the extra GF, drop your VD, all your BBs, and then TU it. You'll get double the poison that way. GF the first VD and let it die while adding extra BBs to the 2nd VD. Once the first one dies, GF the second VD and then TU spam that one before it dies. Of course play any extra VDs you have to get extra poison as well. If he has more than 12 Light quanta, make sure you have enough damage to kill him in one go. You can get him to about 60-70 HP remaining before he thinks about playing Miracle.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand or he gets a ton of poison on you early.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Neptune]Normally it's good to drop a VD without BBs to get a FG to waste his CC on it, but against Neptune, I would not recommend this unless you have an extra VD. He will Congeal and then Shockwave your VD into oblivion if it's not BB'd. You can let your HP run fairly low against Neptune but watch his Water quanta. Dragon and Crawler spam can hurt both you and your VD.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Obliterator]Obliterator will be happy to supply a GF if you don't have one. If he doesn't play a lot of Momentum, you can go with the normal strategy and BB any late Momentum'd creatures. If he starts off with a lot of Momentum (or has a lot in hand), go with a TU strategy. Drop a VD for him to GF. Then try to TU a momentum'd Dragon if possible. They can survive a hit or two if they get GF'd. If he does GF your Dragon, you play your own GF back on the VD. Also, if you're low on HP he'll sometimes pop open those Shriekers so watch out.
Speed-farming: Quit if he has a lot of momentum and you don't have a good TU hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Octane]Lots of Eagle's Eyes and animates = win. Lots of gases = lose. Drop all your VDs ASAP. Also, don't bother BBing them until you have to. They will be sniped if they aren't BB'd. GF your VD sooner rather than later because you have to get the damage in before 5 UGs are played.
Speed-farming: If he's holding a lot of UGs and no Animates or EEs, quit.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Osiris]It's recommended to start your combo maybe a little sooner than usual if you have the cards to do so because of Trebuchets and momentum. Pretty straightforward otherwise.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Paradox]Straightforward match except damage can come quickly and is REALLY unpredictable in calculating due to déjà vu splits, blessings, and TU spam. It seems like every time you have a nice comfortable BB cushion on your doll with GF applied, Paradox senses it, spams about 4 or 5 TUs on a giant furball, and squashes your hopes and dreams of winning.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rainbow]Rainbow will be happy to supply a GF if you don't have one, but you'll have to wait for the Congeals to wear off. Playing a vanilla VD will also help draw out any Lightnings. Watch for his hourglasses to speed up the match and damage so be careful with your calculation. Also, if you're low on HP he'll sometimes pop open those Shriekers so watch out.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Scorpio]Get your VD out early because he doesn't have alot of physical damage and you will die too soon if you don't start working down your VD's HP early. Make a meat shield if you need to stop early Puffer poison and have the extra GF.
Speed-farming: Play unless you have a horrible hand or he gets a ton of poison on you early.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Seism]Try to play your Pendulums/Towers one by one due to Quicksands, or double stack the Pendulums when they are giving aether quanta. If you can spare a BB, sometimes it's smart to use one on a Dragon (Silurian especially). Also, if you're low on HP he'll sometimes pop open those Shriekers so watch out.
Speed-farming: Quit if RNG gave you a sucky Pillar draw.[/spoiler]