I was testing version with 2 Electrocutors instead of 2 Precogs, and I have mixed feelings so far. On a good draw against right opponent it can win you a match you would lose without it. Against perma control gods its useless. But you lose on draws, as Electrocutor is not part of your setup. It just helps. Sometimes.
Sadly, I started to keep stats for the deck too late, so I only have about 300-400 matches played. Much too early to make a comparison between two versions.
"Only" 400 matches ...
Concerning Electrocutor,
does it help against growing forest-spectres and the like? I mean, maybe it adds the necessary
bit of control to keep your doll from busting or something?
Because if Elec is only in there for the sake of momentum I don't really see the benefit:
Graviton and Obliterator will blow it up before you know it, Osiris mostly doesn't generate enough
dmg to be a realy danger and DarkMatter won't grant you enough aether to even get going.
I can see it helping against Gemini of course and it also could be the one card that brings
ChaosLord in range.
Well... yeah, only

You press space till you draw what you need to draw, then you keep pressing space till you get enough damage on the doll, then you do your thing and press "spin all". Hehe.
Anyway, at first I was just counting cards won per day, and it went like this: 7,11,5,6,7,20,4, and then it happened a day where I got 29 cards. Interesting thing here is that I felt like I was winning every other game, and that went on for quite some number of matches. After all, I DID spin 29 cards from somewhere.
After that I started to count wins and losses (simply looking at my total count at the beginning and end of the day, as I dont play anything other than PvP duel fights anymore).
Moral of the story is - deck is not really consistent, and it needs a huge sample to draw out its win rate. Looking at my records, I somehow manage to squeeze 50-100 fights per day (when I play) usually, which is huge, I dont even feel like I'm playing that much, and win rate per day shifts from 23% to 36%.
Now for Electrocutor... I started playing with it more. It helps to slow down Dive, FFQ, Growth, Druids, Puffers, Pharaohs, and works wonders against Paradox as you can Lobo RoLs to prevent TUing monsters. I dont feel like I'm winning any more matches against gods with Momentum (Gemini included), because those happen to rush me anyway most of the time.
On the other hand, its a dead weight card against Perma control gods. Also, drawing 2 Electrocutors in a row when you need that one card to finish your setup is super annoying.
Its a so-so card against those gods where you have nothing to lobo. It can get some minor damage through, and thats about it.
Overall, it may increase the win rate a bit, but it also slows down your game. Biggest issue actually being is that it slows down your losing matches - I had a game against Elidnis where I lost with 5 BBs being in 6 last cards, but I actually survived to draw 24 cards, wasting tons of time on one stupid match. And games like this, where I slow down the FG to crawl, and still not drawing setup fast enough, are not rare.
Verdict - no idea