I decided that I wanted to contribute a bit of data to the thread, and so this post came to be. Although the data isn't pretty (and it may not be a large contribution), I just wanted to show some basic info off to those haters that don't believe in the power of Shak'ar that this deck is, in fact, much more fun, and more profitable than the other FG decks (i.e. RoL/Hope, CCYB, etc.)
Anyway, I'll update this thing in terms of win rate and normalized win rate ASAP!
Note: I haven't bothered calculating the electrum made per hour, so I left that part out.
"Not a large contribution" ??? Quite the opposite Doichimaru ...
Assuming your "playing in six-hour-blocks"-way of taking stats is viable,
you are actually the very first person
in this thread that has taken stats which can contribute to a valid FGei(c)! (after myself that is).
I finally got around to updating the OP again and took the liberty of formatting your statsheet as the
http://STATMASTA™3000) would do it for you. As a part of this process I also calculated your win-rate
and FGei(c) for you.
For normalized stats (norm-winrate and FGei(cn)) we would need the god by god breakdown though.
Sorry it took a while to respond. I was trying to pretty up the info for ya.
And yes I went through every post.
As for my games, you could use the win rate, normalized win rate, card win rate, and average electrum per game stats if you want. Using the FGei may not be quite fair since it's a small sampling. Hopefully in the future I'll give you something with more recorded times.
Wow Dragoon! Thanks a ton for this awesome strategy-compilation!
I put it in the OP right below general-strategy (which will probably be replaced by your general-section soon).
Because it is soooooo long, I had to put it in a spoiler though ... otherwise nobody would ever get around to
seeing the deck-kit or the stats from all those players.
Speaking of stats, I did add your deck and stats to the OP.
However, they are adhering to the regulations as stated in the "unwritten convention of whenever
for taking FG-stats" in this community, meaning:
Actually skipping certain gods and not having overall (24-god) stats ready has never really been a
valid stat-set or in other words: "just" a special way of taking stats.
Hence your win-rates are posted strictly for playing w/o Decay (it IS Decay whom you skipped right?).
The stats concerning card-wins, electrum per hour etc., in my opinion, are really just for fun kind of stats
because all too often people like Doichimaru end up with a lame-ass 17% card-winrate while others (like
me lately) spin a roaring 43% ... This is really no basis for comparing decks, which is also why I am pushing
to consider an FGei(e) as a just for fun stat, while FGei(c+cn) are where it gets interesting.
Like you said, extrapolating from 7 games to express times for a 100 games won't fly either and it would
most likely just confuse a bunch of people, so I ended up leaving out anything time-related in that stat-sheet.