Hello, everyone, this is my first post, and sorry about the bad English

Recently I have been playing a lot of 500hp EM deck, most are using bripod's 500hp EM deck, and i am really happy and appreciate the outcome i got. Although the winrate is low lately, probably getting too much winning

. Anyway, i have a thinking of making more fun to play. I read a lot of the other 500hp deck post, and come out this deck.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 74b 74b 74b 74b 74d 74d 74d 752 752 752 752 77i 77i 77i 77i 77k 77k 77k 77k 77k 77k 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7gq 7gq 7gq 7hi 7hi 7hi 7jp 7k0 7k0 7k2 7k6 7k6 7k6 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 8pn
It does have cc, pc, healing and even attack power. Also, i put in mirror shield, why, because during the time i play in plat, i have counter many Aether SoW decks, and by that you don't stand a chance of winning(probably slim chance), because the damage is over your healing.
ok, now let's talk about how this deck work.
otyugh: basically eat everything that is not immaterial
SoF & GF: damage absorb source and even PC(don't be afraid of using SoF over, there is a reason i put 3 GF. when it turns to BH, u can use GF on the other one, and BH can sometimes be useful)
Protect Artifact: Use it on QT, SoG, Eternity and Sop(important, i will explain later, also fits the topic)
Granite Skin: the main soul to 500hp EM
purify: there are a lot of poison in Plat
Sop: it can be use on early increase power for otyugh, but remember you need to have the second copy in your hand, otherwise you will be slowly killing your opponent, and can't get 500hp even EM. and why PA on it, because if the AI destroy or steal it, you will begin to kill your opponent, that's why my topic say "when you are ready". Also, when you reach 500hp, u can simply click it and give your opponent OT kill maybe two turn(by that time, your creature should be stalling enough attack), you won't have to wait until he decks out.
RoL: if your are not ready, it will be with you
Mirror Shield: Spell reflection and also provide a little damage reduction(good thing is already immaterial and cheaper then jade shield, in the early game, it's not easy to get out that 7 quanta shield, although it has 2 damage reduction, but i think MS is better).
Improved Miracle: sometimes it saves u from the early game, you can use it on early game, Especially when you are almost one step to set up your deck.
Sanctuary: healing source and prevent BH, discord, and devourer
Electrum Hourglasses: you want to draw all the tower out fast
Eternity: your RoL's friend
I use this deck to play on few Ai4,it works well, and i think it can probably work on arena too. After the few game, i found out that at early game, you are starve of time and(especially) gravity quanta, but once u clean out his board, you are fine.
Suggestions and feedback are welcome, if i do something wrong about the post please instruct me, because it's my first post.