Well you seem to have put several decks into one here.
My main problem with it being 46 (!) cards is that you'll have a lower chance to draw Snova's, and you need those for a quick start.
CCYB really doesnt need the dune scorpion poison for example. You use dunescorpions in combination with Eternity by rewinding opponent creatures and thus forcing him to keep adding poison and also making sure you dont deck out before the poison kills him.
Because this deck is so big, you had to add another Lava Destroyer, another Permafrost and Hourglass. While your chances on drawing Pulverizer or Antimatter (key cards!) just got much lower.
I'd say this is nowhere near as good as CCYB for these reasons, it's just to big.
You will get very ugly draws with this, imagine the following:
- 3 Permafrost shields in first ~10 cards.
- No Quintessence, Pulverizer or Antimatter when you really need the cards to win or stay alive. (this is a huge problem)
- All supernova's at the bottom of your deck will slow things down.
- 3-4 Hourglasses in the top of your deck while not having the quanta (entropy mark...) to play or use them.
- Unstoppable without Dunescorps or vice versa.
- No SoG's to heal up damage by opponent.
In general, having this many cards (and unbalancing the chance to get certain key cards) will cause alot of bad hands, hurtfull draws etc.
The only advantage you get is not decking out as fast.
I'm trying to be constructive btw, so I hope you'll take it that way