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Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1683#msg1683
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »
WARNING! This deck was designed about 8 months ago when the game was very different. If you want to use it today, I recommend you make some changes to it

Scarab Scavengers*
*who do not have the "scavenger" ability

Graviton about to go down. Unfortunately no elemental victory because of his momentum weapon :(

This is a FUN deck I made that can be used to grind False Gods. It has the same basic principle I used in my "ULTIMATE" deck. It uses Sundials and Hourglasses to buy time while drawing multiple card each turn. Like my other deck, this deck is very weak early in the game but if you get 4-5 Scarabs on the table and have Feral Bonds, it's almost impossible to lose.

I have beaten all the False Gods with Elemental Mastery using this build. Graviton and Seism can be pretty tough but Rainbow and Scorpio are surprisingly easy, although I have lost to them both when I was unlucky with draw. Also you have to be very careful not to deck out which is always a problem with these kinds of decks.

Basic idea of this deck is that you play and duplicate a bunch of Scarabs, who then eat everything in their way. First you collect a handful of Scarabs and other cool cards, then you rush them all on the table at the same time and start eating!

Here are the cards:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 71b 71b 71b 71b 77d 77d 7am 7am 7am 7do 7q5 7q5 7qa 7qa 7qa 7qa 7qa 7qa 7t9 7t9 80b 80b 80b 8ps

There are some other cards that would be perfect to this deck, like Boneyard, but I didn't want a bunch of skeletons running around. After all this deck is about Scarabs. Momentum would be another great card to buff up Scarabs, but unfortunately it's bugged. When you duplicate a Scarab with Devour and Momentum, the new clone only has the skill Momentum and not Devour.

If you have Miracle, take it. It also might be a good idea to take one extra Heavy Armor so that you can push Scarabs out faster. If you take those two, take one extra Quantum Tower also.

Sundial x 6
Chain Sundials early in the game (one Sundial each turn) to keep from getting hit while you draw cards and collect quantum.

Quantum Tower x 14
To get quantum. When fighting Seism, play only one each turn. Otherwise he will Earthquake your whole stack.

Bone Wall x 4
Keeps you from getting hit. Remember to play BEFORE you start eating with Scarabs.

Heavy Armor x 2
Buff up your Scarabs to be able to have bigger meals.

Feral Bond x 3
This paired up with a bunch of Scarabs heals you and counters poison.

Firestorm x 1
Use to weaken enemies so that Scarabs can eat them.

Electrum Hourglass x 2
Draw extra cards which is very important in the beginning. Remember, Scarabs need time quantum too so don't overuse this. To prevent from decking out, stop drawing multiple cards when you have around 20 left in your deck (unless you have to in order to stay alive).

Scarab x 6
The star of the show. Do not play an individual Scarab (unless you can Heavy Armor him). Play them only when you can put about 4 on the table at the same time. Remember that many Gods have cards and abilities that do 3 damage, so that if you play less than 4, Scarabs might die.

Improved Steal x 2
Steal key permanents from opponent (listed below).

Twin Universe x 3
Duplicate your strongest Scarab. You can also duplicate enemy characters who do a lot of damage or have a good skill. For example it's a good idea to duplicate Miracle's Light Dragons which will double your damage and make you win faster. Remember to FIRST buff up a Scarab with Heavy Armor and eat and enemy, THEN duplicate him.

General Strategy Tips

Fighting False Gods

Incarnate    (Very Easy)

STEAL (early): 3 x Boneyard

Fire Queen    (Easy)

STEAL: 2 x Eagle's Eye (steal as soon as he plays them. Otherwise he will make them characters and you will have more problems) (do NOT steal Feral Bonds unless you are dying)

Miracle    (Easy)

DUPLICATE: Miracle's Light Dragon (for quicker victory)
STEAL: 1 x Light Tower (if you need white quantum), 1 x Shield (if he has the one you CAN steal), 1 x Jade Staff (makes him die faster)

Chaos Lord    (Easy)

STEAL: 1 x Quantum Tower (only if you need quantum), 1-2 x Dissipation Shield

Gemini    (Moderate)

STEAL: 1 x Lobotomizer, 1 x Phase Shield

Morte    (Moderate)

STEAL: 1 x Boneyard, 1 x Arsenic (less poison on you)

Hermes    (Moderate)

DUPLICATE: 2 x Scarab, 1 x Hermes' Lava Golem (for more damage)
STEAL: 1 x Shield (slowly kills you characters if you don't), 1 x Fahrenheit (limits his damage and increases yours)

Seism    (Difficult)

STEAL: 1 x Tower (target for his Earthquake), 1 x Diamond Shield (if you don't have better defense), 1 x Pulverizer (destroy his Shield or Towers)

Rainbow    (Difficult)

STEAL: 1 x Electrum Hourglass (if you need), 2 x Eagle's Eye (when your characters are potential targets)

Scorpio    (Difficult)

STEAL: 1 x Trident (if you can get it really early, destroy all his Pillars) OR 1 x Poison weapon (less poison), 1 x his shield (your characters won't freeze)

Graviton    (Difficult)

STEAL: 1 x Gravity Shield (limits his damage a lot!) 1 x his weapon

Try it out with Elements Trainer!

You can try this deck (and others) with tons of cash and upgraded cards using Elements Trainer at http://www.elementsthegame.com/trainer

Any suggestions or new ideas are warmly welcome. Have fun.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 03:49:11 pm by willng3 »

Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1684#msg1684
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

Not to say that we don't trust you, but could we have some proof of these mastery wins on all the gods? I mean, this is two god mastery decks within a short time, it just seems a bit unlikely.


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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1685#msg1685
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

I thought I already gave you screenshots? What more do you need? Do I need to make YouTube videos? Do you want to come by my house and see me play? :)

This deck has the same basic formula as the other one so it's no surprise that it works. It's a little better (faster) against some of the Gods, and a little worse against other. But all of them CAN be beat with this deck. And all with elemental mastery.

What you have to realize, is that I really don't care if anyone believes me or not. I'm not here to enlarge my e-peen or anything like that. I'm just here to chat with the community and share my ideas on this amazing game.

Instead of being suspicious, go try it. Scarabs are fun :)


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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1686#msg1686
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

That does look fun. I'm gonna try it once I can get all the cards for it upgraded. Thanks =]


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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1687#msg1687
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

Not to say that we don't trust you, but could we have some proof of these mastery wins on all the gods? I mean, this is two god mastery decks within a short time, it just seems a bit unlikely.
I don't see why it's unlikely at all.  S/he's obviously good at deckbuilding, given how effective the other deck she posted is.  I was quite surprised to see it since I was using something similar, and still am.  I use an extra Graveyard, Shard of Divinity, a few other changes...  But anyway, this deck looks like it could work, and since my deck is fully upgraded right now, I'm going to grab some Scarabs and give it a go.

Thanks for posting, Scaredgirl.


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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1688#msg1688
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

I vow for this deck, and for its abilities to get masteries. Lots of creatures skeletons + LOTS of shields + 2 empatic bonds == mastery

Key to getting mastery is not rushing your win, when you have a solid position that you can't lose, use sundials to stall your own damage while you heal up.

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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1689#msg1689
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

Pilchard, the deck follows the same basic strategy of any god farming rainbow deck, but with different set of cards to achieve the win condition. The majority of the deck is the same as Scaredgirl's other build. She just swapped out the ffq/oty combo with scarab/PU. I use my own rainbow deck to get mastery on all the gods, and have tested both of Scaredgirl's decks in trainer with success as well. Of course you can't win every match and get mastery every time you win. But this deck is CAPABLE of mastery on all gods.


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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1690#msg1690
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

yeah seems like a nice deck. got two decks hitting over 70% now we probaly should make a thread where you can post your godfarming decks. Make a nice collection

Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg1950#msg1950
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

I thought I already gave you screenshots?

So you did (slaps self in face).


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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg2269#msg2269
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:35 pm »

Now that Sundials always last 2 turns even if you haste, do you think all four Bone Walls are still needed? Also, this is indeed better with Miracle and another armor; Miracle isn't often used due to each Sundial eating 2 light quanta, but it still is a lifesaver a lot of the time, and the armor usually makes it much faster, to the point where one might consider even using four of them; you have literally no other use for Earth after all.

Also, this is a fun deck for competitive play...er, PvP, but one thing concerns me: this deck is way, way too vulnerable to decking out, creature damage, or decks with simple healing when done by an actual player, because real players don't throw every single low-HP creature they get onto the field when they first see Scarabs. That's ignoring the obvious problems with mono-aether and Anubis, but I don't think you mean to make this a counter-all with an identity crisis. I'm well aware this is more anti-gods than anything but you seem to be clever enough to make a PvP variation of this.

Scarabs and parallel universe are your only attacking methods in the deck. You only have three of the latter and the high play cost generally limits then to mid-late game. If your opponent holds, say, a simple Rain of Fire, that forces you to save up at least 4 scarabs and an Armor; even if you play a scarab earlier with armor, it becomes the only creature on your side with not enough HP for a head start on eating. But here's the thing: the odds of having 4 scarabs after even TWENTY-FIVE cards in your 43-card deck is only ~80%; in other worlds you are entering the point of desperation about 20% of the time because you don't have any damage being dealt, permanent creature control (sundials this late would almost guarantee decking yourself) or healing.* So that leaves you with only 15-20 turns to do 100 damage with base 2 or 3 attack creatures, through healing, creature damage, reverse time, and so on; the AI is a total idiot and feeds your scarabs everything it can, but a player can just react to this and stop playing creatures until he gets creature damage cards, put up a couple shields (if they have more than one shield and one weapon you are generally screwed with only two steals) and sit there until you lose; this doesn't require a lot of deck specialization either. If they have Miracle you have no chance.

*You want to calculate this yourself? It's a hypergeometric distribution. Go here (http://stattrek.com/Lesson2/Hypergeometric.aspx?Tutorial=Stat) and have fun, remember to add the chance of getting 5 or 6 scarabs too because I forgot to do that the first time.

So can you make this a bit faster for PvP you think? There's a lot less emphasis on stalling in the first few turns there so that could change how you need to structure it. You could probably get away with fewer Bone Walls, maybe 2 Bone Walls would probably cut it, perhaps drop a Bond, maybe work in a weapon as well; I can see Owl's Eye working fairly well with this as the deck uses no Air and it gives tougher creatures a delicious zesty -3 HP garnish that makes them oh-so-edible by your scarabs, and there's no need to play it if you believe your opponent plans to use Steal.


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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg2270#msg2270
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:35 pm »

Not to say that we don't trust you, but could we have some proof of these mastery wins on all the gods? I mean, this is two god mastery decks within a short time, it just seems a bit unlikely.
I don't know Scaredgirl, but I can say from an observation of what she has up there, statistically speaking, these decks SHOULD work in the way she says they do.


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Scaredgirl's Scarab Scavengers https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg2271#msg2271
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:35 pm »

Tried this out at the trainer (fully upgraded) and it works well. I saw that putting in some time towers and 1-2 eternity makes it WAY better cos the scarabs are too slow and I decked out a couple of times.

Still I prefer the Oty/Graveyard/Druid combo: against some gods I really need a creature with steal/destroy or growth (choas lord for example) and the ability to mutate an enemy fat guy to eat it staright away is invaluable.

