This deck is incomprehensibly bad. Please don't anyone make the mistake of wasting your electrum putting it together.
Every game against a rush deck consists of playing one land and doing nothing except occasionally casting supernova - whose only effect is generally to enable a quint that has no targets. I've had games where I cast three super nova and literally do nothing else until I die. Four lands in the entire deck can't provide the other 4 mana of the same color for a dragon. (On average, one tower makes 3/12th of a specific quanta per turn. So one land will take about 12 turns to give you the 4 black quanta you need for the black dragon, to go with the 3 supernova that make the other 6.)
Against slow decks, fat creatures seem like a nice way of avoiding the Quint/Oty epidemic, right up until your opponent casts Rain of Fire and proceeds to eat as many dragons as he likes. You do not have the option of laying out one dragon at a time, with or without quint backup, because then your damage can't outpace SoGs or chew through Bone Walls.
You could try replacing all the cheap spells (that actually do nothing unless you already have stuff in play - lol, as if) with pillars, so that you might actually be able to cast things. But after a few dozen games of that configuration, it doesn't seem any better.
Occasionally, it goes turn 3 supernova/supernova/oty/quint and just wins, because that combo is ba-roken and imbalanced, but you could play that offensively ridiculous combo in any of a number of other, superior, decks.