I've added a Poseidon and two Eagle's Eyes to the deck. I find they help a lot in different situations. The Eagle's Eyes have been discussed previously but the Poseidon is nice for using water and earth quanta, which you have too much of in this deck anyway. THe problem is that as a god-farming deck, the Poseidon is next to useless in the late game and it takes a lot of quanta which makes it hard to use early. Still, when you get Poseidon and at least three or four pillars in your opening hand, plus maybe a sundial or two, this deck is unstoppable. It's actually embarassing how unprepared the god decks are for this contingency. I suppose pulverizers would also work, but there you're using the same gravity quanta that the scarabs need, thus the poseidon.
In particular, this is especially effective against Firefly Queen (take out her Life Q first, stop the fireflies, then the the Air, stop the queens, by this point your scarabs should be eating).
It helps with the chaos lord since I frequently find his dissipation shields difficult to steal sometimes and taking away his quantam pillars makes running through his quanta quicker.
Hermes has a very hard time getting his attackers on the board and then buffed without his Fire and Gravity Pillars.
EDIT: If you take out all of Miracle's Light Pillars, it's very likely the AI will spend all its white on Dragons instead of Miracles, makes beating it SO MUCH easier.
It doesn't help much with Seism. How the hell do you beat that deck, anyway?