Hi. It is not short of damage actually. It was one of my concerns, but spirits grow very quickly, and werewolves and grabs work very well. Altogether, it deals damage as quickly as the standard novabow.
It is, however, true that two morning stars are too many. One may replace one with arsenic, as you suggest. In that case, one may also eliminate poison and use a freeze instead.
You are right that 30 matches per type are not enough but I have limited time (and playing 90 games required some time already)
I'll update stats and improvements, and anyone is welcome to do so!
Details on defeats are easy told. 4 main weaknesses.
1) Antimatter. I put in 1 quint to make sure I can make a momentum'd creature untargetable. When I succeed in quinting a momentum'd spirit, I'll simply burrow the grabs and not play wolves. But if wolves are down and get antimatter'd, you are screwed cuz it is -12 (and you need 6 turns to upgrade the immortal spirit to at least 13/13). I encountered quite a few, either with nymphs or with spells, and I was generally helpless.
2) Hope. quite a few big gold decks (and a couple silver ones) used hope and a army of light emitting creatures. Hope stopped most of my creatures - as I only have 2 momentums I can play. So if the opponent's deck has a lot of HP and double draw, I lose the rush factor as my damage is reduced. At least 4 defeats were due to hope; I was able to defeat only one hope deck in silver.
3) Shards of Bravery. One in gold arena made me deck out. It's a 30 cards rush deck, this risk always exists.
4) Shards of Divinity. One in gold arena simply had a lot of them and also green cards for healing, and managed to kill me when I still had like 5 or 6 cards to draw.