I'm having problems with Bone Wall, the AI chains it for 3 turns while you die from poison/creatures
Yeah, those are usually close games, but usually a GPulled SoFo can tank the creature damage if it isn't a lot and Sanc can take care of Poison, though the biggest threat in a mono death is SoSac.
Actually I thought I also observed that I had more issues with Poison decks than most others, though it's likely that those decks also incorporated creatures and blasted SoSa. Haven't played Silver for over a month though.
Been a while since I took this deck for a spin, but I will say that my biggest threats which caused breaks in my win streaks were mostly haxx induced in the forms of Fog and Dusk, but Mono Aether with SoWs gave me several close calls as well.
First off all, thanks for your response.
I can confirm that h4x shields are big problems unless I have SoFo.
Never had problems with Mono Aether, mostly because when I found a SoW version I managed a early rush.
Biggest problems with this deck against silver when I used it were monolife, fast damage, lots of creatures and can place in some healing, unless I could rush faster or deny them I was almost certainly in trouble.