switch to entropy pends.
Cut List: (no particular order)
1. Firemaster takes to long to grow, and is vulnerable to Pandas during that time.
2. Titan, I'd rather discords over this, plus discords are funded by entropy and don't take 3 SNs to play.
For gravity, the only things that will bother you will be high hp critters, get a grav shield possibly, or leave it at black hole (I suggest the latter)
3. Firefly and Phase Recluse: they will die, way too easily
I suggest lightning and Shockwave, or lightning and wings, to get rid of those pesky creatures that survive.
4. Mitosis: your pandas will remove this, or the phoenix it is attached to far too easily, drop it for a fractal for a last hit kill, or add a quint. (I dropped, having only one is really iffy, and trying to get a quint to combo with it will be hard)
5. Arsenic: you have to choose between this and discord, earlier I picked discord, so I dropped this.
6. Steals: drop at least one, because you don't have enough quanta.
7. Phoenix, drop 1 or 2, add explosion
8. you only need 6 pends, drop 2 pends
9. TU hopefully, nothing TU-worthy will be left alive, nix this.
10. Maxwell's, everything with lower hp than attack will probably die in your numerous pends. Cut these.
11. Werewolf: sorry, we already have 3 discords, 5 pandas and 6 SNs. Kick this little bugger out.
-1 firemaster, -1 titan, -1 firefly, -1 phase recluse, -1 arsenic, -1 steal, -1 phoenix, -1 mitosis, -2 pends, -1 TU, -2 maxwells +1 explosion
I got to this point when I realized. You can't fit 6 SNs, 6 Pends, 5 pandas, 6 phoenixes, 3 discords, 3 blackholes as your core build. Thats 29 cards. It's not even worth the SNs at this point.
I realized I can't really change the deck and keep the rainbow/PSN/CC spirit.