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6u1 6u1 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 718 718 71a 747 779 779 779 779 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 7gm 7q1 7q1 7q1 7tb 80g 8pj
No idea if something similar to this has been done, but I know the rainbow rush concept is pretty common. I had the idea for this deck so built it in about 20 minutes in ze trainer. It's definitely not the best deck around (I only tried it in AI3 and it worked pretty well with 1 loss (1st turn enemy discord, didn't bother playing) in about 15 or so games, but its not as fast as other rushers and I doubt it would work well for anything besides AI3)
The idea is to discard for the first one or two turns (only one discard if you win the coin toss) then play a supernova and play most or all of your hand at the same time. You'll usually get at least one supernova by the time you can play them, I've never had to discard more than one or two more times. Use your discards to get rid of the cards you have the most of, because those will take longer to play. If you have both weapons, discard one of them. I tended to discard the 4 cost cards (recluse, crawler) or werewolves if there were no quanta or weapon imbalances and I didnt have multiple supernvas.
I considered replacing the deja vus with precognitions, but i think this works better because drawing extra cards can be less important than playing cards cuz due to the repeats in certain elements (earth, fire, life) you might get extra cards and no supernovas. However drawing more cards might lead to earlier extra supernovas so it could be better...other than that idk what to change and don't really care cuz this deck is just for fun anyways. Comments?