Sorry that I am being a little harsh right now, but someone has to say it:
This deck isn't good at all; It is a very impractical combination of cards that have little to no synergy and the few stallish cards (Miracle, rain of fire,plague arctic squid and the armagios) are just to few to be actually useful and will most likely cause bad draws (you can keep the sqid and one armagio, because they dont cost as much as the other cards do and can stop a lot of dmg, but the other stall cards are just too expensive). For a deck that mostly focusses on damaging the opponent it is unnecessarily big (Basically every viable rush deck I have seen consists of exactly 30cards sometimes even using precognition to lower the effective deck size even further; It raises the probability to draw the cards you are looking for in time). Since you are not using many buffs, I dont see the point of the parallel universes unless the opponent plays a dragon early. Further the quanta balance seems to be a little off.
Note that almost every deck posted in here can beat AI3, PVP decks or bronze or better on a regular basis depending on what they are build for (and then there are the AI0-OTKs
). You should take a look at other decks posted in here and see how they do and maybe you will get my point.