If you're going the fast draw way I'd definitely go supernovas and time towers. Supernovas remove the need to wait for quanta and make the decks speed purely about its draw speed. With time towers the option to add in dials is easier and novas can easily fuel light quanta. The dials can then stand in for your other control and add to draw speed. Drawback of this is that sanctuary becomes way harder to play.
I like OTK decks a lot and they all have a peak efficiency aside from the actual combo itself.
So far I think time towers, dials, hourglasses and novas (entropy mark) are the fastest way to get any combo like this out.
As an aside I think precogs are incredibly handy in OTK decks since so much is riding on one play.
They're also good to know if its safe to play hourglass/ a single dial or if you need two dials.
I agree they'd be less useful in a deck with your level of control though.
[10 minutes later....]
Just after trying the above suggestions and it really doesn't work better than your deck.
You can get to 0 cards quicker but sundials and fractal do not work together at all in this deck.
The sundials either stay in your hand preventing crucial fractal or they're played and prevent an attack altogether.
This means that EVERY game is one turn slower than it needs to be. (because you must play a dial and then wait)
Even then it can still mess you up - if you draw another dial
Thanks for the deck though mate, and good call ditching explosions for chimera.