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Hallo, I'm new to the forum but i played the game for yers, so i had time to develop this deck. 8)
The basic strategy is to play all pillars possible in the first turn and keep the novas and Shards of Bravery.
Keep in your hand all the other cards too. If cards excess, than discard the double shards of Patience if you have.
Wait your opponent to have an empty hand as much as possible, and try thanks to cards draw and quanta gains boost to play in the same turns all the Ball Lightnings, the Shards of Patience and a Fractal, Once you have dropped the huge army, just start attack and kill the demigod. If the majority of the army is killed fast, i suggest a forfeit instead
Decks powerful against: Most of rushes, permament control decks and light creature control decks, decks that rely on defense or that are simly too slow.
So generally, with FGs like Raimbow, Lionheart, Dark Matter, Destiny, Dream Catcher, Elidnis, Fire Queen, Graviton, Paradox, Obliterator, Scorpion and seism the victory is not hard (if you have a decent draw).
All the other Fake goods are much harder due to they powerful creature control spells and creatures (Virus and Firestorms are deadly) and often an automatic forfeit.
Decks with the card miracle are hard to beat too, but not impossible, if you can drop 8+ sparks in the fist 2-3 turns.
Often shard of patiente is useful only 1 turn, use the 2nd turn effect only against opponents with slow damages
Enjoy it if you like, suggestions are much appreciated (maybe a version with supernova, who knows?
(Ps: unupgraded verion is weak, don't use it and upgrade always SoF if you can than any other card for this deck)