(morte is quite easy fg, maybe my luck was terrible or I'm exceptional bad player)
38% win rate is not bad overall, but my deck seems to have a better rate and I still see some problems with your deck so I guess it's not about your playing skills, but rather the deck needs some tweaking.
2 Feral Bonds and a Jade shield cost together too much

(17) even for a normal rainbow, and especially in a half

deck like this one. I can tell that based on my experience rather than some calculations, but if you need some then:

= 6 supernovas + 5

from quantum towers = digging through your whole deck and ~20 turns of a single quantum tower working, so probably around 4-8 turns of a stack of towers working, depending on how many you already have.
If you are unlucky and quantum towers stack at the bottom of your deck, you will have to discard even if you draw some supernovas.
Based on my experience and statistics (compare the first post and later variants) having 2 bonds greatly increased probability of EMing, but I don't think it has a great impact on winning ratio. Also 2 bonds was already quite heavy on

My suggestion: drop Jade Shield. It might be good against Octane and Decay, but tell me how often are you able to cast it against decay? It's really hard to gather even 7

with such a deck, unless you try to gather 4 supernovas to cast at once. I find plagues much better against Decay and against Octane a few SoGs + Eternity to rewind flying Eagle Eyes + a Fog Shield so that they miss even if in weapon slot...
In my deck I tried to pack cards that are useful against all the false gods, not counters to specific ones. Protect Artifacts are the only card that is useful against less than half of the FGs. Jade shield are on the other hand not very useful against any false god with dragons, buffed or growing creatures.
Also if you are concerned about the fact that Jade shield is untargetable while permafrost is, remember that FGs target hourglasses before shields

2 permafrosts? I prefer having a cheap shield that I can use to survive until I can play a permafrost and I think it works quite well, but maybe with 6 supernovas and 6 quantum towers you might be able to play permafrosts easier... I'd say try it.
Don't worry if adding sundials makes your deck even larger. Most of the time playing a sundial gives you a 'free' turn to heal a bit and gather more quanta, use some hourglasses or later to eat some creatures, and unless you have no

they also allow you to draw a card, so they rarely harm you. They are also useful against FGs with deflags. Start by playing a few towers and a sundial - if FG destroys the sundial he practically wastes it so hopefully your next permanent (eg. hourglass) will remain a while longer. If FG does not destroy the sundial it might mean he has no deflags in his hand.
I don't see the point in Ulitharid. If there is a nasty creature with momentum, you can rewind it with the eternity.
Can't always do everything with eternity. Ulitharid helps against many FG's. Decay's braindead Pests and so on (eternity is useless against decay, and sometimes harmless fillers is really good thing). I always quint it, with quintessence or anubis.
I have not tried using an ulitharid because I need

for permafrost, but I guess it can be useful sometimes. I would prefer using quint on a pharaoh, a fallen elf/butterflied graviton firemaster, or on a scarab if I'm against Graviton/Neptune/Osiris, but I guess an ulitharid could help against some FGs like Fire Queen, Dark Matter, Osiris... I think it's not a bad decision, but it indeed needs more non-time quanta production.
On the other hand eternity is NOT useless against decay. It really helps if you can slow her down even only by half.