Okay men as I told I tested a bit the 2 different games in ~50 games each one.
I discover that AI 5 give moar upped cards than what I thought ! I won 8 upped cards in 80 games which is quite a good rate so ~3 cards per hour.
I think this is not bad at all, considering that I play games which last at least 3 min and have ~75% win rate !
Now I noticed something : I mainly lost cuz this deck is lacking defense. So I thought a bit and found that this abyss crawler isn’t THAT much effective if you see what I mean ? So I’ll replace it by a ice shield and test 50 other game with that configuration (25 with arse 25 with EE).
The only matter is that I’m at work atm and can’t play because I haven’t flash player ><
So if anyone wanna test it just go and post your result (WIN, LOOSE, TTW and number of EM).
It is quite worthy to play AI5 with this deck (medium score gain and medium upped cards gain).