How do you get enough damage to kill the FG's?
With the dark nymph. Every antimattered creatures that you cast vampirize on it, deals damage to his owner. For instance, miracle, when have a 12/12, you antimatter the dragon and then liquid shadow, an every turn does 12 damage to him, evading his own shields!
The games are generally like this.
1.Stall with 6 Shards of Gratitude
2.When are you near to die, or before if he can destroy shields, play one sundial each turn, usually then you have one or two hourglasses in play.
3,After the sundials, you have 4 phase shields to win more time.
4. Meanwhile, you have played one quinted purple nimph or one mind flasher.
5. Begin to antimatter all his creatures.
6. Usually before you have finished all your shields, you have more than 7 or 8 creatures antimattered.
7.You play dark nymph, and cast liquid shadow, on every creature, at this point the game last few turns. Only elidnis is boring, he have feral bonds, taht you have to destroy, have healing. The gods with miracle doesn't use it because IA doesn't know to calculate the damage of antimatered creatures.
Against some gods it is slighty diferent. For instance, against Dream Catcher, they don't have heavy hitters, you only have to manage to play jade shield, and slowly kill him. Same for decay. For Osiris, it is best to play first dark nymph, because when you vampirize one pharaoh, next turn he eats him, so you kill one creature each turn this way, you can deck out him, or kill him when he have 5-10 card left if you have draw your creatures early.
Against Eternal Phoenix, you only have to stall, if you can stop initial rush, you will win because he doesn't have shields.
Against Incarnate, he have vampires, so you only need one purple nymph, and for every vampire, he does 6 damage per turn, and you kill him without having to break thought his bonewalls, so it's faster.
Against Octane, sometimes you deck out him, others you kill him.
Against Rainbow, only solution is to deck out him.
Against Seism and Obliterator, he have big creatures, once you have the dark nymph, the game finish early.
Against Paradox, you have to let him grow one creature to kill him fast, or kill him slowly if you are afraid of TUes.