After 100 games played I have won 58 and lost 42. This is pretty good for a rainbow deck that doesn't uses oty, elite queen, fallen druid, rain of fire and all of this typical stuff.
There is only one autoquit, Divine Glory. The rest can be done, but hermes is very difficult as eternal phoenix, because they have a lot of creatures and permanent control.
God by god.
Chaos Lord:1 win 2 lost. The loses comes to first turn incredible mutants on his side. I think on the long run the results against this deck will improve.
Dark Matter:1 win 1 lost. With mind flashers, you have some possibilities, as you only need to put one mind flasher quinted to stop his gravity nimph's and his momentum creatures. In a typical rainbow, you have to put an oty, and cast rain of fire, which is much more difficult to attain.
Decay:1 win 0 lost: With jade shield and a lot of quantum towers this good is not difficult.
Destiny 3 wins 1 lost: The lost come from a very bad hand, no shields and hourglasses on first 20 cards. You can put one Mind Flasher without quintaessence in early game, he is not going to rewind if there is only this creature, and then fate eggs are like a joke

Divine Glory:0 wins 7 lost Nothing to antimatter and permanent destruction, makes it impossible.
Dream Catcher 1 win 2 lost. If you can play Jade Shield before your HP at too low, you are going to win despite his quintaessence butterflied creatures.
Elidnis 5 wins 2 lost: You only have to be careful with forest spirit. Lobotomize or vampirize it before he cast quintaessence and you'll have a quiet game:) If he can quintaeesence and forest spirit, you 'll have to hurry before he goes more than 40 attack. Another option is to destroy water towers and then he can't grow it anymore.
Eternal Phoenix:1 win 5 lost:Difficult god with this deck. He is fast and have permanent control
Ferox 4 wins 1 lost. Easy god.
Fire Queen 5 wins 1 lost. The lost came from Eternity being last card. Only make sure to play Jade Shield when he have a lot of fire quanta.
Gemini 4 wins 0 lost. Mind flasher make him a joke, also perfect creatures to antimatter.
Graviton 0 wins 3 lost. Difficult god.
Hermes 0 win 5 lost. He have rushed me in every game. Also difficult with this deck.
Incarnate 2 wins 0 lost. You only need one purple nymph to win, his vampires will kill himself:)
Miracle 6 wins 1 lost. He doesn't calculate debuff damage,and don't play miracles. so the games are very fast.
Morte 4 wins 0 lost. Just lobotimize his rays of light, and he will not play miracles. Mind flasher really makes well against his creatures.
Neptune 4 wins 0 lost.
Obliterator 2 wins 3 lost. One lost comes by a badplay from me. Perfect creatures to antimatter.
Octane 2 wins 3 lost. If you can play jade shield, or purple nimph, or butterflied mind flasher before he kills you, then you are going to win.
Osiris 5 wins 0 lost.
Paradox 3 wins 0 lost: Lobotimize his rays of light and then he is harmless. Also, is good to put your nymps without quintaessence, because he will play Twin Universe on him and he can't use it. The same for Gemini.
Rainbow. 0 wins 2 lost.
Scorpio 1 win 1 lost. Mind flasher is great against venom creatures.
Seism 3 wins 2 lost. Big creatures to antimatter makes him easier.