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Nymph Antimatter Crush (NAC: False God Farming) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19939.msg252715#msg252715
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:43:06 pm »
Deck Helper comment: 
This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now.  Use at your own risk.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
55q 55q 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 7h0 7h0 7h0 7h0 7h2 7h2 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 80h 80h 80h 80h 8pp

After all the changes that have made it into the game I thought it might be time to rebuild the old Nymphomania deck. This version has dropped the use of Liquid Shadow for Steam Machine + Momentum and added SoR and Sundial for good measure. One advantage to this build is that it doesn't require any quanta to run once the basic strategy is in place. The first step is the same, bring out a Purple Nymph as soon as possible (w/ Quint and SoR). Assuming the god you're playing against doesn't have any healing, the second step is to bring out a Steam Machine (w/ Quint, SoR, and Momentum) by the time you have 10 cards left in the deck. This guarantee's 200 damage, but in most games you'll be able to do far more than that. Against Miracle for example I recorded one game where I did over 1100 damage, and burned through 6 of her miracles.

I'd say this deck can win fairly consistently against 15 false gods, and that the other 9 should be skipped. Out of 60 games my win rate is 0.38. It might be much higher than this though since I got paired up with more difficult gods more often than the easier ones and had many bad draws. Some of my loses might also be due to my own miscalculations. I wouldn't be surprised if the win rate isn't really closer to 0.50. But I'd be speculating. At any rate, I think this deck has potential; it's relatively fast and doesn't waste time on unwinnable games. It isn't clear whether this version is on the whole better than the original deck, but it does seem to be more reliable. I put this out there as an alternative to other false god farming decks. Try it and decide for yourself.

Here are my stats:

« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 12:24:02 am by willng3 »

