Easy Matchups:
Ferox 1-0
Drop a buckler to stop those RoL and leaf dragons from hitting you. Buckler also takes down frogs easily. Once you have established healing and defense and have played a pharaoh, spawn scarabs and eat everything. Don't even have to pulvy those bonds.Paradox 1-0
Play the deck as usual. Setup your defenses, play pharaohs, make scarabs and eat everything. Try to spread out which scarabs eat so you dont get overwhelmed by Paradox TUing a 10/14 scarab 6 times or something like that. Eternity can be used defensively.Medium Matchups:
Osiris 0-1
Mirror match. Osiris does setup slowly, but so do you. Winnable with some luck, a buckler and healing. You also need to play a pharaoh fairly quickly.Hecate 1-0
Winnable. Setup. If Hecate doesnt start out with many steals you have better chances of winning. An Eternity helps tons. If a voodoo doll is nightmared just play the dolls.(they can give you bond healing and some damage if eclipse is out) Scarabs don't really help here.Difficult Matchups:
Jezebel 1-0
Medium-Difficult. You can win, if you are lucky enough to drop a pharaoh fairly early. She will steal almost everything if not everything. Use permanent priority to try to make your more important permanents stay longer. Permafrost is trouble, but she will sometimes steal your buckler to destroy her own permafrost.Divine Glory 0-1
Skip. Immortal creatures, tons of PC, just about unbeatable.Gemini 0-1
Gemini can get slow starts which can gives you time to set up.(maybe pulvy gravity towers if she has only a few of them) Even then, Massive Dragons have too much hp, and you really can't do much to stop them from running you over.