Ok, I cheated a little and threw in my Grey Nymph and an Eternity for good measure. But seeing him throw my entire deck against me with his mindgates, only to realize that it would not help in the slightest, was pretty satisfying. I wish I took more screenshots but the time limit kept creeping up on me. Two fields of cells is always fun to see, I think
Update: For those asking about the Eternity, he couldn't mindgate because (thankfully) I drew it in the opening hand and held onto it till the end once Pulvy came out. Thus, I knew that if push came to shove he wouldn't be able to stall. Though why he continued to Hourglass-draw I can't fathom. He could have quite easily stopped 4 turns or so sooner and given himself more time to deplete my permanents with Pulvy, and the 22 damage from the cells would have killed me eventually even with dual shield + sundial or double sundial combo i put up in the end game. I think his MC-filled field jolted him a bit.