Very neat deck.
Some thoughts: Upgrading Antimatter is nice, but unnecessary. Lands, supernovas, and shields have to be upgraded.
I lost my first game because my opponent kept me from casting my aflotoxins (which are not upgraded yet). I kept staring at it in my hand and the 7 quanta I had (opponent kept munching my lands).
Second game I had early lobotomy, which was set to kill my opponent before he decked out, but I took one of his many arsenics and poisoned him to death.
The purify is awesome against poison, but it is best to wait until you are nearly dead to use them. No real need to upgrade purify.
This deck is WEAK against pulverizer and/or butterfly effect (if cast early and you are land deprived).
Recommended cards to keep unupgraded (unless you already have them upgraded):
1) Sundial (no reason to upgrade)
2) Enchant Artifact (never really hurting for that extra earth quantum)
3) Purify (better to have upgraded for extra 1HP heal, but unnecessary with all life gaining from shards)
Will play more later tonight, maybe post a game or two.