As promised, here's my attempt at an agressive deck, inspired heavily by MrSexington's afla-denial (no slots)
warning, large imagesEarly iteration, moderate success but TOO vulnerable:

And this is my non-trainer and rainbow version of the same concept (with some action-shots (?)). The defensive cards are significantly relevant to survive and heal in the advanced stages of the game. (most of the time, this wins with mastery)
But still, even if it has it's flaws yet... and the duels may take forever and yadda yadda yadda... this is too fun to play with


(*): Hardest deck i've faced and won with mastery w/this.
(**): This reaction is my personal favorite, and is the reason why I replaced the plagues with protected unstable gases.
I usually love using the surprise factor whenever i can, unless i have no choice, I play Eclipse, bonewall and boneyard(s?) right before triggering the gas.
Then again, with its flaws and everything, I love the concept and i'm sure it can work, but I suck at making decks

so i'm going to need your help with this one, guys.