Oke I have the deck, with some difference (- miracle, -3 shards of divinity +3 santuary's +1 mindgate).
I don't have the shards of divinity, and I know mindgate ruines the deck out idea, but I just like the card a lot
. And I just hate those opponents who deck me out (yeah, got that half the time XD). They also have 60 cards (often noobs) and don't draw extra cards with hourglass, and win the cointoss. They really exist ^^.
The pictures will come later -mindgate + something to still fit the theme.
EDIT: Really really really annoyed bye all those 60 card decks (3/4 of the decks I encounter) who doesn't have/use hourglasses. Or sometimes I need to use hourglass, or I forget about decking out and use hourglass. So, I will put in an eternity (no photon because of Mindgate) and - 1Sanctuary. The Eternity can be used as CC to get everything under control, and because of no decking out yourself you don't have to be afraid to draw too much. (mindgate a malignant cell)