I s'pose I need to post a story whenever I make a change (if I want to keep with tradition):
It was a dark and stormy night and I was dueling Lord Loco for what must have been 30+ turns. By this time in the duel, I knew how cool I was, he agreed with the level of my coolness, and we were both just waiting out the inevitable. (With cremations, Fire dragons, Phoenixes and burn, he actually almost out rushed me, but my life gain finally turned the corner.)
It looked like he (the bad guy) had one final evil plan for success and he was about to unleash it on me (the good guy).

He waited until his deck read "zero" and I clenched my butt cheeks anticipating the worst.
He made his move and laughed in my face.
His move backfired and I laughed back.

(I s'pose he just didn't want me to get an Elemental Mastery.)

(I s'pose he was wrong.)

I s'pose I should point out the the only reason I stayed long enough for the life gain to kick in was due to a Protected Spine Carapace. I later switched it for the Mirror Shield because he was playing
Mono Fire... and... well... that's what you do against
Mono Fire. (The battle was too long. I cut out all of the beginning.)

(I "s'pose" a lot of things.)

-1 Jade Shield
+1 Spine Carapace