The mono-Aether/Aflatoxin thing is interesting -- if only you could make a Nymph Queen to create Aether Nymphs FOR the enemy; they'd be worth -7 damage for healing, and they'd die easily from Aflatoxin... But I know it'd be impossible to balance it in the deck without breaking it. 
That is actually a brillian idea. You could actually add in a Nymph's Tear or two (since you don't use any
) in case the enemy doesn't play any creatures right away, or uses Anubis or other untargetable creatures. That way, you can create and Afla a creature for the opponent in the same turn. o_O
You know what's funny?
I thought about that the other day...
Then I read the card: Turn one of
your pillars into a nymph.
And then I tested it right now just for the hell of it...
It works on opponents' pillars.
Bug? Or worded incorrectly?

(edit: Either way, it would only really work if I added 3+ of them to the deck. Even if you get it semi-early, I think it'll be too little, too late. I still rely on Antimatter on neutering the bigger guys and in Mono Aether, the big guys keep coming. If I get it early and enough life gain, it would work... but it might ruin it all when it comes to every other non-Aether deck. 2 copies might work... but not sure if I want to go for creatures just yet.)