Here's my version with a 50% (15-15) win rate.
5rt 5rt 5rt 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 74a 74a 74a 77f 77i 7gp 7gp 7q8 7q9 7q9 7q9 80j
1. Lances and Siphons are a big concern, Jade Shield should be considered.
2. Changed a Pulvy to an Eternity; deckout issues.
3. All 3 scorps OR all 3 unstoppables sometimes stay at the last 6 cards!!!
4. Most losses are rushes where I can't play an early shield.
I was using a mindgate deck for fun against FGs, Top50 and in PvP.
UNTIL losing 3 miserable times to a dune scorp deck in Top50 and PvP. I was like

I need to use this!!!And, now I do. Thanks MrSexington.
Here's my test log. 1: win, 0: loss, *: deck edit1 - neptune, antimatter dragons, ice shield
0 - incarnate, 1st scorp appeared last 6 turns, last 2 cards were scorpions!!!
0 - elidnis, scorp out 2nd round, late pulvy, late antimatter
1 - osiris, easy ice shield
1 - obliterator, early scorp
0 - obliterator, too many dragons, he had early pulvy
1 - incarnate, dusk shield during eclipse, ice shield without
0 - octane, no anti-matters drawn
0 - gemini, momentum in the last 6 cards, TU killed me before decking out
* - changed 1 pulvy to eternity
* - changed dusk shield to protect artifact
1 - scorpio, regular win
0 - seism, no shield
1 - destiny, ice shield & SoG saved the day
0 - obliterator, he had pulvy on 1st round, i had late scorp out
1 - elidnis, ice shield, pulvy his empathy
0 - neptune, deck out (stupid played all scorps without eternity)
1 - paradox, reverse blessed creatures, ice shield
1 - gemini, early scorp
1 - neptune, EM
1 - elidnis, early pulvy
1 - gemini, easy win
1 - eternal phoenix, quinted shield
1 - nepture, EM, eternity prevented deckout
0 - ferox, no shield, rushed
1 - destiny, easy win
0 - divine glory, miserable loss, explosion destroys all SoGs, antimatter fail
0 - fire queen, fire lance pwns!
0 - decay, miserable loss, steal pwns, you need an early quinted pulvy to prevent fractal
0 - dark matter, 2 nymph holes + momenta = pwnage
0 - gemini, twin universe kills
0 - fire queen, deck out, bad draw, albeit reversed queens gave me time
* - changed 1 sundial to mindgate, 4 upped sundials = risk for bad mulligans.